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Official "Give Us Purple Color Crystals" Discussion


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I have searched everywhere looking for a Purple Color Crystal and they are nowhere to be found. Actually, that's not quite true. There are a few on level 50 gear you buy from vendors with items that I'm guessing come from Operations. There is also a rare "Magenta" schematic that drops from a world boss.


That's just stupid. I don't want "magenta". I want purple, damn it! And I don't want to wait until level freakin' 50!! All of the Inquisitor promo vids show the player using a Purple color crystal. It's wrong if I have to wait until level 50.


The only answers I could find as to why there are NO low level purple color crystals is "Purple is going to be a rare color". I say NO! Purple is NOT a rare color! It should not be a rare color crystal! If the devs make it a rare color I will be super pissed.


There are some colors that I can definitely see being rare. Such as White, Silver, Black with Blue outline, Black with Red outline, and I *think* there's a Black with Green outline in-game but not positive. I know the others are, whether obtainable or not, they're in-game. Those I can definitely agree should be rare colors....but Purple?!?!? Purple is a regular freakin' color!


And some people have said that Purple is going to be Dark Side only. While I would be able to use it, because I'm Dark Side, I still think that would be dumb. Mace Windu is not a Dark Side person, so you can not have Purple crystals be limited to only Dark Side users.


Leave your thoughts and comments! We want our Purple crystals now!! We want to know WHY they were removed from the game (excluding the lvl 50 ones)!!! And do NOT make them Dark Side only!!!

Edited by Yvin
removed part asking for petition
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black-green is in the game but it's only available if you buy a razer swtor product. I don't think there is a silver crystal and there's a good chance purple is not aligment restricted since mace uses one in the movies xD
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Totally agree.


Well, not for just purple but for any color to be honest.


There should be some sort of ATTUNEMENT with your saber and it's colors as well.


Rarest colors for those that Max Light and Max Dark and the quests to get it.


The accomplishment rewards you with an ever changing color..? I dunno I'm drunk..

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There are some colors that I can definitely see being rare. Such as White, Silver, Black with Blue outline, Black with Red outline, and I *think* there's a Black with Green outline in-game but not positive. I know the others are, whether obtainable or not, they're in-game. Those I can definitely agree should be rare colors....but Purple?!?!? Purple is a regular freakin' color!


I gotta say when I first saw the Yellow with black in it.. I was a bit disappointed, thats not a normal saber.. I really think the game should avoid the exotic 2 colors in 1 saber thing.. It just does not seem to fit with the Star Wars I know and love. Don't get me wrong its not a deal-breaker. It just seems a bit.. Kiddish?

Edited by threelibrass
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Totally agree.


Well, not for just purple but for any color to be honest.


There should be some sort of ATTUNEMENT with your saber and it's colors as well.


Rarest colors for those that Max Light and Max Dark and the quests to get it.


The accomplishment rewards you with an ever changing color..? I dunno I'm drunk..


You sir have a beautiful mind

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Bring on the purple/violet, silver and viridian. They have the spec trees where you can make your advanced class different, and there are multiple combos of it, but you still have to look like every jedi out there?? I would rather have less diversity on the skills and more in the lightsabers. Who wants to look like everyone else??
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black-green is in the game but it's only available if you buy a razer swtor product. I don't think there is a silver crystal and there's a good chance purple is not aligment restricted since mace uses one in the movies xD


Oh is that the Razer one? That's awesome. My favorite colors are black and green combined, so I would love that. I was probably going to get one of those Razer products anyways, since I knew it was called a "neon green" crystal, but I didn't realize it was the black and green one. That's even better!



But yeah, I really want Purple too.




And to the guy who said there's only one Purple crystal in the whole universe....um, what? You can get Purple crystals in both KOTOR games, and they are not rare.



Also - how come the color crystals don't do anything special for each color? Don't they go into depth about how each color has certain characteristics in one of the KOTOR games? Like, Green is supposed to favor Consulars, and Blue is for Knights or something?

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Orange does appear on the dark side actually, It's Red/Orange Vs Green/Blue with yellow as a floater. I've been looking everywhere for purple since they pulled it out of beta.


Mark my words, the Devs have big plans for purple. For those of you who are Lore Savvy, Mace Windu made them out of Hurricane crystals which DID exist prior to him using them when he developed his own style of lightsaber combat.

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black-green is in the game but it's only available if you buy a razer swtor product. I don't think there is a silver crystal and there's a good chance purple is not aligment restricted since mace uses one in the movies xD


In the Sith Temple on Kaas, I fought a TON of people with purple lightsabers.

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I gotta say when I first saw the Yellow with black in it.. I was a bit disappointed, thats not a normal saber.. I really think the game should avoid the exotic 2 colors in 1 saber thing.. It just does not seem to fit with the Star Wars I know and love. Don't get me wrong its not a deal-breaker. It just seems a bit.. Kiddish?


There is a whole universe outside of the movies.

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In the Sith Temple on Kaas, I fought a TON of people with purple lightsabers.


NPCs don't count. There's guards on Taris that all have double-bladed Purple lightsabers, but I can't find any.



I would really like a dev to explain why they took the purple ones out of the game. Or at least why they are making them so hard to obtain. They didn't follow any of the rest of the lore about crystals, including their own having to do with special attributes marking what kind of Jedi a person is based on the color - so why would they follow the lore that says a "Hurrikane" crystal is rare?

Edited by MalachiDraven
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I love this game....but honestly I'm incredibly disappointed with how they handled Lightsabers in general.


-Obtaining a lightsaber is a joke. Vendors should not be selling them. I thought they had to be made by the user?

-You don't get to craft your own lightsaber until super high level Artifice. If you don't have Artifice, then you never get to craft your own. How the hell can you be a Jedi or Sith if you never ever craft your own Lightsaber?

-The color crystals are BORING! We've got Red, Blue, Green, a rare Yellow as the only colors you're going to see, aside from the rare exception with an Orange or a lvl 50 with Purple or White. And if you're Dark Side...grats, you only get Red unless you want Orange or lvl 50 Purple.

-Is it just me, or are the animations kinda weak? Lightsaber fights are usually so epic! But my character just stands there and swings his lightsaber from side to side. Sure, there's some random animations that are kinda cool, but I think those are only when an ability crits or something. I was hoping for some kind of chain combo that has my Assassin doing some crazy Darth Maul flips or something! Instead I get Thrash....

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I agree. I want the color people choose to be the one they like and not "the hardest to obtain" . If purple crystal means "I am a raider" then everyone will wear it because of that.


YES! I didn't even think of that! If you can only get Purple color crystals from raiding, then every raider will have a Purple lightsaber because of what it represents. They're already going to do that with Titles and gear, why colors too?


We need to have a way to obtain a WIDE variety of colors very easily. IMO, the color of a Lightsaber is the most important part of customizing my Jedi or Sith character. That means I should have a wide variety of colors to choose from. Because from level 1-50, I do not feel like I've customized diddly squat if I'm using a Red crystal just like every other dark side user.

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