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Question, I'm new to a Sentinel


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Watchman is likely the sturdiest because of heals from your burns critting. Sustained damage is it's forte, and you get good burst from your burns when you pop Zen. It is the busiest of the 3 but fun to play as well, and not too hard to master.


Focus is all about big force sweeps and lots of AoE. It has good utility as all sentinels will...but tends to be good against trash and weaker ST hard bosses. It is also pretty squishy.


Combat tends to be about Ataru form, precision slash and big masterstrike hits. It is better against single targets and tends to be a heavy focus drainer.


Combat and focus rotations require less attention to your cooldowns where as watchman needs to keep overload saber and cauterize on the target to keep heals/damage going. Masterstrike is good on all 3 but best on combat. All 3 get good defensive cooldowns and utility like teamwide buffs on some talents.


I went watchman...love it...and never looked back.

Edited by planet_J
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