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Will the game survive 2013 ?


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Simple part would be for EA just to sell out to perfectworld and take there offer and let them run the game and have at least 5 years set. At least we would get a road map and more community involvement and more updates and a bigger game community. down fall is a ton of micro transactions.


yup,,perfectworld do 2 things: make games that work, and put scantilly cled ladies in them:D

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If F2P does not bring in the expected huge amount of paying new players, they might pull off some NGE in a good way, i.e. Final Fantasy XIV - "A Realm Reborn" -- complete revamp.


I think it will, I'll be shocked if SWTOR doesn't have 1,000,000 active accounts by this Christmas (assuming F2P goes Live before Xmas), and I wouldn't be surprise to see it reaching 2,000,000+.


Whether it'll sustain is the big issue I think.

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I can relate to the OP; these concerns are exactly why i'm so reluctant to invest more time in TOR, when the game might not last very much longer. Could we get a guarantee, of say at least three years? Then i could make some plans. SWG lasted for seven years (!)


Now, if it was only up to BioWare, i think i could trust them to see this project through, you know, with some dignity. But a company like EA, no, i don't trust them at all. I believe that they won't hesitate to shut this down the moment they feel like it. It's about money, not dignity. EA own BioWare (the company), but they have not created the game, so they don't really feel an ownership towards it, the way BioWare naturally would. However, i don't know if there are anyone from the original BioWare crew left now; so they might not feel much ownership or pride either. So i'm sceptical about the future of this game.


I'm stunned by the negativity on these forums BTW. The Old Repbublic is a very well made game and i think many people enjoy it, but they must be the silent minority. I don't know who will end this game; BioWare, EA or the "community"?


I'm going to try for another character; have a good time, dance in the cantina and travel the galaxy. It is my first MMO and it's only because it has a Star Wars theme. It will probably be my last MMO, so i hope to have some good experiences before i leave.


Let me give you some simple tips about life. If you like something, pay for it. If you don't, then don't use the product. Ignore everything else, especially when it comes to video games.

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It will survive 2013 solely because the competition is currently so weak. I mean, really, other than the 3 current IP Blizzard games, SC2, D3, and WoW:MoP there isn't any 'real' competition. And they all suck rather bad. I was barely able to stomach MoP for a month before I came back here. I'm hesitant to say, but even with all the F2P restrictions, I think I'd STILL have more fun playing this than a full subscription to WoW, tyvm.


this ,rift is a 1 button smash game, warhammer online is dead, WoW has become pretty "meh" , rest are not worth mentioning.

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its NOT terrible,,but it needs a lot of tweaking,,and a lot more content


they have most of the puzzle parts,,now they just have to find the rest, and put them in the right places


Yea, that's how I feel. The game needs more content to keep current players subbing and to lure F2P players into buying op/warzone passes.

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i personally have no doubt it will survive for another year i personally think it'll survive much longer. it has a decent number of subs (i hear anywhere from 300k to 1 mil) i t gives us FREE updates. they come out much frequently as well. i mean they still have so much to offer but seeing how huge this game is it only makes sense they r taking their time. we still have the increased lvl cap coming, more companions, more races, more story, more other stuff. ibelieve its far from "dead" and f2p isnt as bad as ppl make it, many things ppl claim to want (like more quickies) can be bought in cartel mart. so it really isnt restricting u THAT much. patience is a virtue after all. and swtor will only get better to me.
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WAR has survived(?) for 2 years since it tubed the game. So I don't foresee SWTOR not surviving.


But there is survival, and then there is survival.. see WAR for an example. :eek:


Yeah, WAR is zombified, an undead MMORPG, I don't think SWTOR has to worry about that with F2P, at least not over the short-term (I dunno why they don't F2P WAR tbh).

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I think this game has a long-term future, IF Bioware introduce one crucial factor - expansions. Although I haven't read all the posts on this thread, this seems to be an element that many of the posters on this thread are missing. Although introducing new operations, flashpoints etc. will keep players playing in the short term, introducing new planets with new storylines to extend your character beyond level 50 just has to be the way forward.:cool:
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