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Question of the Day - Seriously? (SGRs)


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This was initially going to be a private message to the bigwigs on the Community Team, but you know what, I am tired of being polite so to hell with it.


I keep an eye on the official SWTOR feed on Facebook and Twitter, and one of the regular features is a daily question for fans to answer.


Today, the question was "If you could choose any companions to romance who would it be and why?"


I have no idea who came up with this as something to ask. But really?


Seeing as there are players still waiting to begin romantic stories whenever same-gender options make it into the game and seeing as in spite of the question having been current prior to Stephen Reid's announcement of same-gender romantic options a year ago last month we still have not been told which companions will be available as same-sex romantic partners, the Community Team is still pushing companion romance as a story feature.


Worse, whatever my answer, it couldn't possibly affect the outcome of the content in development. The design team already know which companions are having these options written, voiced and animated. Whether I said Pierce or Quinn or whoever, it would make no difference in the development of the game.


So just tell us already. Quit shoving the fact that there is content from which we were deliberately and unapologetically excluded at launch in our faces while ignoring questions we've been asking about this content for over a year. This is a pretty crappy way to treat players you claim to value. And we've been more than patient. I am done being patient. Tell us, or tell us why you won't.

Edited by Uluain
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Today, the question was "If you could choose any companions to romance who would it be and why?"


I have no idea who came up with this as something to ask. But really?


Probably the same person who is happy to wave around banner of equality and inclusion around the Bioware offices, even though that's long since been proven to be a untrue.


You would I romance and why?

How about all the current romance companions, with any gender, and then some.


Bioware probably have to work out an answer for the near-11 month delay on this content without using a variation of the phrase: we didn't think it was important.

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  • Dev Post
Hello! We understand your desire for more information on SGRAs, and encourage you to continue the discussion in the already-active thread asking for more information: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=476215. The question of the day is always meant to be fun and certainly wasn't meant to offend or frustrate anyone, so we apologize if it did.
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