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Character Analysis: IG-88


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Alright I am starting along with this analysis with the 1st character on my list. IG-88A, working with Aurbere in dividing up some stuff so that he won't need to go through everything and everyone alone. More to the point, IG-88A is one of those character who while never was really shown is a great character and was cast away(rather quickly I might add) due to his whole plot of taking over the galaxy with droids, but anyway lets begin.



"I think, therefore I am. I destroy, therefore I endure."- IG-88A


IG-88 was built by Holowan Laboratories, under Project Phlutdroid. They developed new programming methoods which would insure, that the assassin droid kept itself in check. However the moment he was activated, the scientists who built him had their expectations completely destroyed, his sentience made him adaptable and resourceful and within seconds he had eaten through the data files on the computer, realized he was an assassin droid, and reasoned his superiority over his creators. All of this within seconds, the scientists only had enough time to decide to deactivate the droid and find out why their expectations were thrown out the window before IG-88 killed his creators, guards, downloaded his sentience into 3 other IG-88 models and then proceeding to escape.


Planning a droid revolution, the 4 assassin droids headed to Mechis 3 in which all they did was hack into the planet's security system. Rerouted all the planet's computers, and imput their sentience into the droids on the planet causing them to rebel against their biological owners. The 4 droids, didn't even set foot on the planet and it was theirs in 5 minutes. IG-88B then went on to become a bounty hunter, and while his exploits aren't really in detail he became the 2nd best bounty hunter in the galaxy right behind Boba and even had an imperial warrant on him.


During the time of tracking down Han and Co, IG-88B hacked into the Executor's systems and downloaded information from it including details about creating a 2nd Death Star. Eventually IG-88B and C were destroyed by Boba(I'll get into that later) and D was destroyed by Dash Rendar. With the information given, IG-88 made a false computer Death Star core and 100 droid stormtroopers identical to regular ones and he transferred his consciousness into the core before being shipped off to the Death Star and being put into it.


Now during the Battle of Endor, IG-88 was about to send out his signal and put his sentience into all the droids in the galaxy and ordering them to kill all biological life. Said plan would have worked too, if it weren't for the Rebels destroying the Death Star thus killing IG-88(though his empty body would be left behind and reactivated at a later date.)



It should be interesting to note folks, that IG-88 never once got caught and had his plan exposed unlike other droid revolutions. Palpatine couldn't even sense it, he sensed that something was amiss but not even he could figure out what it was.





IG-88 was built to be the ultimate assassin droid, a successor to IG-100 magnaguards, IG-86 sentinels, and IG-lancer droids. His programming was still experimental, meaning that it was brand new and quickly he realized what he was and slaughtered his creators(15 of them) within a minute. Even by droid standards, IG-88 had extremely fast reflexes, he was shot at with a blaster yet calculated the trajectory of the bolt and deflected it right back, this all in microseconds that it took the bolt from the gun to his position. Like other droids, he could hacked into systems and scan through files rather quickly, could also think in ways other droids could not.


His body was nearly impenatrable from external attack, meaning that you'd need to actually get into the droid itself to destroy it. Also having blaster reflective palms, highly advanced trackers, heat and motion sensors, able to see complete 360, acid-proof servo wires, computer imput port, and a broadband antenna.


IG-88 was also pretty much a walking gun, having a ton of weapons these include but are not limited to.


BlasTech DLT-20A rifle, heavily modified recin of a BlasTech A280 rifle.




Pulse Cannon


DAS-430 EMP launcher


Thermal Detonators


Trifaraleen gas


Wide-dispersal radiation grenades


etc, etc



Now it is my reason, that with all of this going for him IG-88 was destroyed in writing not character. The moment it was decided, he was going to take over the galaxy he wasn't going to last long...so the writers needed to take him out quickly and while some of the deaths were stupid(B and C), it makes sense otherwise he would have taken over the galaxy.


Anyway folks, hope yall enjoyed the read. I will be doing another character soon enough, so stay tuned.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Actually if you read into IG-88 even more, he had downloaded a copy of himself into the second death star and was the OS that actually controlled the main gun. Imagine somebody like IG88 incharge of the Death Star II's main gun.


can we say SCARY.

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Actually if you read into IG-88 even more, he had downloaded a copy of himself into the second death star and was the OS that actually controlled the main gun. Imagine somebody like IG88 incharge of the Death Star II's main gun.


can we say SCARY.


I think that's why the Death Star was so effective in taking out the good guys. From what we have seen of Imperials aiming, I'm surprised they even hit Alderaan. :)


It's not like Alderaan was a main character anyway. :D

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I never liked IG-88's story in tales of the bounty hunters, it just seemed rather... forced. (It still made morse sense than bossk's, though) but at least it was a good read.


He was cool for what he was, but dengar and boba are still better.

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I never liked IG-88's story in tales of the bounty hunters, it just seemed rather... forced. (It still made morse sense than bossk's, though) but at least it was a good read.


He was cool for what he was, but dengar and boba are still better.


How was it forced? I mean I guess the way they wrote the story, and being that IG-88 had to be destroyed due to what he was planning was forced. But they could have just went in another direction with the character, in fact they shouldn't have killed him off at all. IG could have still had some interesting stories to tell.

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The droid managed to take over an entire planet in 5 minutes without stepping foot on it, managed to convince vader to leave the planet alone, and managed to not only outwit, but also TROLL darth sidious. (Remember that door thing?)


True, but remember this was a very intelligent and smart assassin droid(hes suppose to be the ultimate assassin droid ever built). Plus last I checked, droids couldn't be sensed through the force so he had that advantage. (Unless that has been changed over time.)


But ya IG-88 is terribly underrated, a shame really.

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Has to be one of the best bounty hunters but I still favor HK-47. HK-47 vs IG-88 in a fight who wins?


IG-88, being that theres next to nothing on HK-47's abilities and what is listed IG-88 could probably do the same anyway. Hell there isn't even any information on his rifle....the biggest thing that we have of HK-47 is his personality. His abilities are all pretty general, and don't really go into specific detail.

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