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healing from dmg


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I have a 50 mara and it was one of the things i loved about playing it, just can't remember when/where I got it. currently 19 sent i'm pushing to 50. can anyone fill me in as to when / where the healing kick back comes from?
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The only heals I can think of come from Juyo Form's Zen with Burns, that talent that heals you when your burns Crit and that talent in the Focus spec that heals you for 10% of your health when you use your CC breaker.


i think the juyo form one is the one i am thinking about. ty

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As soon as you get juyo form you can use zen with cauterize and you can get some self heals.. it doesn't really become prevalent till 20 on watchman tree when you get a talent that gives you self-healing every-time your burns crit and overload saber your second dot though.
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As soon as you get juyo form you can use zen with cauterize and you can get some self heals.. it doesn't really become prevalent till 20 on watchman tree when you get a talent that gives you self-healing every-time your burns crit and overload saber your second dot though.


You can get Merciless Zeal As early as 16 and Overload Saber at 20. Either way, the self healing is nice.

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