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Server transfers coming with FTP?


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With free to play, will we be able to purchase server transfers with cartel coins?

The server my mains are on are pitifully quite.. Where I started rolling on Harbringer and it’s always busy! I love it!

I need to bring my mains over. Theres nothing worse than playing on a quiet server. Makes you want to not bother playing…

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As far as I know, they've said nothing about it, but they almost certainly will.

My guess is that they'd have already allowed paid transfers if they weren't waiting for the cartel coin system to be put into place.

After all, there's no sense in spending time to design a pay system for something when you know you're just going to replace it with something completely different a couple of months later.

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we can only hope this is how it's going to be.


I imagine they're wanting to keep any fees like this, clumped together with the launch of the cartel store. That way they can use that money in the 'look, we sold X amount of dollars worth of stuff in the f2p store in the first month' press release that they will inevitably do.

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