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A non-Jedi/Sith Force Adept?


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So, ever since the Legacy patch came out. I've been thinking. Could someone like a Bounty Hunter, Trooper, Smuggler, or even Imperial Agent be force senstive. Yet refuse to join one of the orders? Maby train themselves in there gifts? Or is that just down right idiotic?


I would think so for a person living in the Sith Empire, but what about The Republic? I can't see Jedi banging down someones door because they refuse to go to Tython or what have you to learn how to use the Force.


Would like some feed back on this!

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There are tons and tons of various force cults/orders all over the galaxy. Bare in mind the Jedi and Sith ( or atleast many components of) started as Ashla/Bogan Jed'aii and over time and exposures to other cultures and adapting/adopting eventually became more what we know them as today ( and still constantly change and adapt)


As for as an individual that again happens too- granted they tend to be more self limiting with the lack of conditioning on usage- and may even share many philosophical outlooks of the two " main" force cults, but are completely removed from them. There is a companion or two in game actually who is like this :p

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I would figure as much, and thats ok. What I am going for is a Blaster using class, who does Have Force Capabilities. Yet can't use them for combat too much. Like a Bounty Hunter who can force lift, yet it's just easier and quicker to shoot someone in the gut.
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I think there should be the following force choices in the game:



Zeison Sha

Jal Shey

Baran Do sages

Sorcerers of Tund


I mean all of those were around at the time, open up some interesting class choices. hell even open up some independents away from just imperial vs republic.


Though IMO Bounty hunters and Smugglers should have been independent from the start and allowed to have the choice to either go republic, sith, or independent doing jobs for both as part of their story lines.

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In the Sith Empire, anyone with any amount of force sensitivity is legally required to co to the academy on Korriban. Because of the shear number of people with minor talents for whom such a posting would be a death sentence, there are many many people who hide their powers.


Extremely minor Hutta side quest spoiler


There is a man fleeing Hutta with his son, because his son has shown minor force talent. The wife (who is in Imperial loyalist) sends you to track them down. You can either let them go or force the kid to go to Korriban.



So yeah, that's just one example of a force sensitive individual who doesn't want to be part of the main force cult.


I should also point out that the legacy abilities make it so all your characters can have some minor force talent (I have an agent and bounty hunter who can force choke and call down a small force storm). My head cannon for this is that my agent is too important to lose to the academy, so Imperial Intelligence is actively losing or suppressing any evidence that might suggest he has force sensitivity, and the bounty hunter is just too much of a rebel to bother with it, and few sith recruiters expect a force sensitive bounty hunter's default response to be orbital bombardment (courtesy of his agent friend's access codes of course). I love the Imperial Legacy abilties.

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actually, from a certain point of view, legacy does just that, it enables your tech-based alts to be (minor) force-sensitve. My IA can summon lightning, he can choke someone with the force, he can force sweep, and he can throw objects at people (projects old animation ftw :D), but he cant use it very often, as he does not have proper training, these are just abilities taught to him by my other legacy toons (who are part of his family :p)
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