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A simple Idea to address Class Concerns


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I'm going to borrow an idea from another game. Devlopers, Please listen up.


You have a ton of whiney posts, hundreds maybe, of people complaining about class balance and bugs, they want (insert attack) or they want (insert defense power) for their class and this, that, and a bag of chips. You obviously CANNOT handle it in a timely or efficient manner. So why not let the community help you?


I propose an advocate for each class. Someone who will monitor the forums for relevant information and summarize it into a sticky thread at the top of each classes forums. Doing so will allow the developers to see a streamlined, neat version of gameplay issues that need to be addressed as well as potential solutions and ideas to improve the quality of each class without breaking the system entirely.


These "Advocates" would have to be individuals who actually care about the future of the game and will compile these reports for the community AND the developers to see. However, for this to be effective, developers would need to address the Advocates thread periodically to demonstrate that communication and more importantly, time and effort, were being spent on BOTH sides to improve the quality of game. Show that the Bioware team is not just the silent Ogre the internet makes it out to be.


So how about it Bioware?

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the forum moderators pass information to the devs.


issues are a not resolved simply because from their lack of knowing them. they do. there are other reasons beyond yours and my control. what you are proposing wont solve it. this is how the game has been managed since beta.

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