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Leveling a Focus Guardian


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I am feeling overwhelmed (underwhelmed) with how force starved this spec is in the early levels. I am 22 and I'm practically playing the same way I did on Tython. Strike, Strike, Slash. I can hit Master Strike, Sundering Strike and Zealous Leap on CD, but besides that, it is same old, same old. Vigilance was much more fun and varied. I'm hoping I am doing something wrong and that there is a fix I can put into my rotation to make this spec a bit more exciting.
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nope, that's the basic shi-cho form for ya. Focus doesn't shine until the later levels at around 30-40's i believe, when you get more skills that refund rage, add armor penetration and damage to abilities. Vigilance has always been the preferred way to level because its great defense abilities allow you to be a tank by the switch of a form, even in flashpoints.
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