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Low surge in pvp gear?


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Hey guys,


So I had been running with basically stock war hero gear + elite WH main and offhand. And it's just odd how low my surge is... I think it was around 100 pts, for a result of around 65%. All my augs are currently in aim and power.


Does this seem right to you guys, and doesn't it seem very low? I've noticed I rarely get big hits, almost never getting the 5k damage medal despite expertise at 1380. I'm playing assault.


I'm thinking i should boost surge. What's the best way of doing so? Surge augs, or should I be swapping mods?

Edited by heechJunzi
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Make sure you're using the boltblaster ear and implants. They have enough surge to take you up past 75% in stock WH. Personally I think the annihilator stuff has way too much accuracy. You lose a little aim/power on the implants, but I think the overall stat budget is worth it.


I regularly get over 5k crits as gunnery, but don't always get the medal - overkill doesn't count unfortunately.

Edited by Jherad
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