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My thoughts on changes needed.


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As most of you know i love my Merc arsenal :) i havent had a lot of time to play it lately because im leveling a tank for raids.


So i was thinking what would be come good changes to the Mercs that could suit all builds in the merc tree.

( and Note, not all these idea's are mine, i did get some idea's from other threads)


1- Our shields should make us immune to all interrupts, CC, stuns and knock backs.

2- stealth scanner should be renamed to bounty hunter traps, Its should uncover all stealthers and apply a dot on them, also a dot to non stealthers in the area also.

3- rocket punch should knock back the target with a 2 sec root.

4- arsenal tree needs a box to lower cast times 1 point .5sec, 2 points 1 sec and 3 points 1.5 secs. (maybe replace top tier HSM?)

5-Phyro tree, the top of the tree stick bomb needs to be an AOE blast with dot.

6- the 30m range needs to go back to the dart stun.




7- Rocket punch increases speed for 4secs by 30%. This can help with mobility.

Edited by Henu
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I like all your ideas but Number.2 especially.


I don't know about your server but for PVP mine is dominated by Smash/Sweep and Assasin/shadow tank hybrids. Our current de-cloaker seems woefully inadequate in the metagame on my server.


I think an larger exposing field would be nice, but I've thought about the dot as well... it would make the power actually useful.

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Here are a few ideas I think would help our class, and overall class balance.


1. Slows need to be more normalized, they should slow for roughly the same percentage and have roughly the same amount of uptime (ie. marauders do not need a 12 sec slow with no CD for 2 rage, basically perma-slow)


2. Why on earth we are the only class with a single buff (tracer lock) that can do one of two effects is beyond me, other classes just get a brand new proc, they don't have to choose between dmg and healing.


3. Rocket punch is not (I.M.O.) a mercenary ability, give it to powertechs and replace those talents with useful stuff like a short-ranged root/slow or both (obviously if we get this we wouldn't need a slow on unload anymore).


4. Rocket boost could have a second or three shaved from its CD, if it provided a short (2 sec) immunity to leaps, pulls, etc. that would be great.


5. "cast" abilities have an increbile weakness in terms of PVP play which causes lots of balancing issues. When you rely on cast abilites and you are constantly interuppted through the various stuns knockbacks and interrupts in the game you can get completely shut down with little to no skill. It isnt fun at all, especially when 99% of melee stuff thrown at you is not interruptable. I would remove interrupts from the game (pvpers can still use their stuns knockbacks etc for interrupts) and move abilities towards instant abilites with short CDs. You can still leave a few channeled abilities. Anytime I come across a commando/merc type elite in PVE I laugh the whole fight cause half their damage fizzles out against my interrupts, they are cakewalks. Ive tried multiple classes in this game and the most fun ive yet had as a dps is my madness sorc because I love being ranged and I hate being interrputed all the time (all I really worry about with him is his channeled lightning).


6. Obviously if #5 is implemented (which I doubt, but hey I can dream) ability damage would have to be tweaked again to get it back in line, as would some boss encounters but I feel the result would be worth it.

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Honestly i dont approve of any of your ideas with all respect, but you are right in saying this class NEEDS SOMETHING in pvp to make them fun and competitive. I believe what the Mercenary needs is one thing - MOBILITY. Give us just ONE JETPACK ABILITY to help be mobile when melee approach us.


A revamp on the blue bubble to make us non-interruptable would make for very cheezy gameplay. Bioware, JETPACK please, we want to feel like bobba or jango from the movies when we pvp. just ONE mobility ability.

If your planning on re-doing Rocket Punch mechanics, please do not add more CC to the game by making it stun the enemy for 2 seconds. I for one just simply want a jetpack leap, mobility! Make marauders work for the kill.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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