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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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you must have seen to a point something I never said, and I never expected you to understand any of the science I used in the post.

and a word of advice if you don't understand what a person says don't bother reacting to it, just makes you seem like fool.

if you want to understand what I'm saying I posted something else where I carved it into stone into the most understandable stuff I could, now try read that.

and if you want to insult me try harder next time pls. couse if i'm living in a fairytale then I really don't where you are living


Nice job taking things so personal and moving away from the point. It makes you look like a fool, but I didn't have to tell you that, since you already knew.


As for understanding, it's clear you missed the entire point of what I said and never responded. Instead, because you lack the ability to hold a conversation, you offer insults. This is typical for posters like you, since it's a great fall back reaction when they lost an argument.


So that being said, glad you accept defeat in this topic. That was rather easy for me.

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I'm glad Blizzard finally realized pug farming by premades was hurting their game and did something about it. All the points that Blizzard rep makes are points that are made in this thread, and still the premade white-knighters throw the same tired old responses of "make friends" and "learn 2 play".


I really do hope BW/EA learns from this before the game is beyond help. Maybe it is already beyond help; the population is so low on my server that you have 20-30m queues outside of peak play times, and more people are leaving every day.


I hate to say this, but I don't think BW is taking a moral stance on allowing pug farming. I think they are unwilling to take resources away from churning out cartel market items, since that is where they make their money now.


I said this a while ago but they should of made a change about this back before the game went F2P. Since at that moment there would be a influx of new players coming to the game.


Since they would have limited PVP access, pretty much every match counted as far as making a first impression. If they are being given lopsided matches with their limited PVP tokens, then I doubt they'll come back.


Fast forward to now, and you have the situation we find ourselves in. Only 2 PVP servers truly remain, while other servers are bleeding out due to lack of interest in PVP. Such a shame, but many like myself have already warned bioware this would happen.

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How about you stop pissing and moaning and lying...


And join the discussion on how to "fix" the issue. Look around, you'll find maybe 1 or 2 posters who only say "Make friends, l2p." (In contrast to a number of PuG-centric posters who come in trash talking about the premade motives, personal habits, and other demonization's.)


:eek: Wanna know what the rest of your labeled "White-Knighters" are saying; "Yes, there's a bad situation. Whether it's cause of a lack of Casual effort or too much Non-Casual effort, lopsided matches occur. We need a mechanic that targets that, so casuals and non-casuals can all have their fun as much as possible. Matchmaking would do that."


:mad: So stop spouting your hateful nonsense, it's dragging down the conversation every time someone has to defend themselves from the next wave of "Premades kick Puppies."


History speaks for itself, you and many like you were part of the "learn 2 play" or "Go make friendslulz" crew. Only now you finally decide to join in on an adult level type discussion. Too bad you and maybe others like you let you're immaturity run rampant for too long and now we are in a damage-control situation.


So like I said, history speaks for itself. So when people say white-knight premades say "L2P" etc..


Well...they actually did that(and are still doing) for a very long time. When you make a choice to be a bad human being, you face the consequences. This is adult 101 stuff. ;)

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that wasnt against a premade "einstein"... it was 2 full pug groups in lowbies. at least as far as i could tell, no duplicate guild tags that i saw


Didn't you and many others like you say premades can't be determined by guild tags alone?


...Incoming backpedaling! ;)

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So if 4 friends want to play together but there aren't any other groups to face them, they shouldn't get to play...


Just so 8 pugs don't have to face them and get butt hurt for imagined advantages?


:rolleyes: I feel the need for a disclaimer coming on:


Equally skilled/competitive players should fight each other. Whether they win due to personal skill, team coordination, or the mythical group buff, equal players should fight. Only when that option is -not- available should any form of mismatch occur.


There you have it folks. Poster above openly admits that they prefer lopsided matches as long they can get a match.


Hey if you are on the fully decked out premade side, why not? Right?


This is what matchmaking will offer- A chance for balanced matches on a high pop server. All other servers? Lopsided matches will resume due to not a big enough player pool to choose from.


I guess the next step is he'll start blaming low pop servers for being...low pop, right? :rolleyes:

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Nice job taking things so personal and moving away from the point. It makes you look like a fool, but I didn't have to tell you that, since you already knew.


As for understanding, it's clear you missed the entire point of what I said and never responded. Instead, because you lack the ability to hold a conversation, you offer insults. This is typical for posters like you, since it's a great fall back reaction when they lost an argument.


So that being said, glad you accept defeat in this topic. That was rather easy for me.


you must have missed the point in my post since I never talked about forcing ppl to anything, now you are putting words in my mouth by your response that's normally a sign of you lacking wile to understand the things someone post or says.

now your even insulting me, I only stated you should read where I carved it into stone for someone to understand it.

now im asking you again to read the other post I put up on that subject pls.

and all I gave you was an advice let me clarify it. either reread it so you understand it or don't reply to it, if you don't do the 1st thing but the 2nd that kind of make a fool no offence intended at all.

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This is what happens on my server, every day, for hours and hours.


This HD video I have just recorded, is just few seconds long but shows in entirety the rotten nature of SWTOR PvP.


Notice I have 32k health and full augmented conqueror. So tired of this attack that I don't even bother to activate defensive CDs any more, I just die.


Needless to say, it's the whole afternoon that WZs close down (4-5 guys quit within the first 2 minutes) and are absolutely horrible to play.


Now, pray tell, how is this going to help SWTOR player base?

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This is what happens on my server, every day, for hours and hours.


This HD video I have just recorded, is just few seconds long but shows in entirety the rotten nature of SWTOR PvP.


Notice I have 32k health and full augmented conqueror. So tired of this attack that I don't even bother to activate defensive CDs any more, I just die.


Needless to say, it's the whole afternoon that WZs close down (4-5 guys quit within the first 2 minutes) and are absolutely horrible to play.


Now, pray tell, how is this going to help SWTOR player base?


its not rather the opposite, that's was happening on all servers I bet, some wont agree that its happening the rather want to "cover it up" as a L2P issue, but it dos happen, those who either says it dos not or says its a L2P issue are either complete idiots or blind.

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Dude you were by yourself, you got jumped by like 4 people...what do you expect to happen? How long do you expect to survive against 4 dps pounding on you?


let me tell you what happens, if its not a premade he/she can survive for a fair amount of time against those odds.

if I dos the same on my dps sorc in full conq gear, no augs what so ever, If I don't face a premade I can hold them of for around a minute or more with no help, even kill them all and grab the pylon, but if its a premade im dead in 3 seconds, doesn't matter if I use my instant heal or a med pack

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So, as long as its bad players you can survive just fine, but the minute good players show up you die?


Cause the fact that they're in a premade doesnt matter...notice how the poster was all alone ? It's not hard to focus fire when there's only one target.

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So, as long as its bad players you can survive just fine, but the minute good players show up you die?


Cause the fact that they're in a premade doesnt matter...notice how the poster was all alone ? It's not hard to focus fire when there's only one target.


if its bad players I can hold of the entire team if I wanted to, if its equally skilled as myself I cant hold of more than 4 for a minute or more ALONE, but if its a premade I can't hold them for more than 3 sec.

can you see the difference now or do you need to get told as a kid?

Edited by weyby
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I dunno, maybe you wanna tell me the ability that makes premades do lessee 60 seconds or more if they're bad players vs 1/20th the time if its a premade so... where is the 5X damage group buff from ventrilo?



Poster of the video ran into 4 good players, got melted, premade had nothing to do with that. If it was a video of the team responding like a well oiled machine thatd be one thing, this was just 4 people who had the awareness to focus fire a solitary person, and the dps to manage more than 20k over the course of a warzone.

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let me tell you what happens, if its not a premade he/she can survive for a fair amount of time against those odds.

if I dos the same on my dps sorc in full conq gear, no augs what so ever, If I don't face a premade I can hold them of for around a minute or more with no help, even kill them all and grab the pylon, but if its a premade im dead in 3 seconds, doesn't matter if I use my instant heal or a med pack


If you can kill 4 DPS alone, as a sorc, then those 4 DPS are bad, extremely bad.


Simple fact is, what happened in the video could have happened just as easily in a PuG group.

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If you can kill 4 DPS alone, as a sorc, then those 4 DPS are bad, extremely bad.


Simple fact is, what happened in the video could have happened just as easily in a PuG group.


did you miss the point with 32k of HP?

Couse unless he/she is a really bad player it wont take 2-3 sec to throw him/her to hell.


and yea if the 4 dps are bad I can kill them but if they are equally skilled as me I can hold them for a minute or more, I might even drag 2 of them with me to hell.

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If you can kill 4 DPS alone, as a sorc, then those 4 DPS are bad, extremely bad.


Simple fact is, what happened in the video could have happened just as easily in a PuG group.




It's not even a good video example of a premade using vent to coordinate quick focus fire switches to get kills, there was literally one target and they all unleashed hell on it. Nothing special, new, or even particularly broken about that. 4v1 is bad odds.

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So, as long as its bad players you can survive just fine, but the minute good players show up you die?


Cause the fact that they're in a premade doesnt matter...notice how the poster was all alone ? It's not hard to focus fire when there's only one target.


so even if I faced one from a premade I wont go down in 3 hit wonders? = 3 sec?

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It's not even a good video example of a premade using vent to coordinate quick focus fire switches to get kills, there was literally one target and they all unleashed hell on it. Nothing special, new, or even particularly broken about that. 4v1 is bad odds.


yea I agree with bad odds but with 32k of HP I would say he/se could stand up for longer than those 3 seconds

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You might, i dunno how good you actually are, there's no measuring stick other than peoples egos. Certain classes are intended to like 3 global people (stealth classes who open on you).


Pointing to a 4v1 fight and going OMG PREMADES OP however is just assuming that everyone you run into in regs should be doing sub 200k damage over the course of the wz though.



Edit: also Op is a sin of some variety who got none of their defensive buttons up. Welcome to playing a sin, if you aren't johnny on the spot with your cooldowns you die in a few globals.

Edited by Raazmir
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did you miss the point with 32k of HP?

Couse unless he/she is a really bad player it wont take 2-3 sec to throw him/her to hell.


and yea if the 4 dps are bad I can kill them but if they are equally skilled as me I can hold them for a minute or more, I might even drag 2 of them with me to hell.


If they are as skilled as you are and you manage to hold them off for a minute or more, and possibly kill two of them, then they are not as equally skilled as you are.

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Dude you were by yourself, you got jumped by like 4 people...what do you expect to happen? How long do you expect to survive against 4 dps pounding on you?


Look at the timing, at the damage, at the guild. All the topics of this thread all condensed in 20 seconds of video.


BTW When I get attacked by 4 "regular" people I do just fine.

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It's not even a good video example of a premade using vent to coordinate quick focus fire switches to get kills, there was literally one target and they all unleashed hell on it. Nothing special, new, or even particularly broken about that. 4v1 is bad odds.


They do that during the whole WZ, to a target they pick among the others.

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If they are as skilled as you are and you manage to hold them off for a minute or more, and possibly kill two of them, then they are not as equally skilled as you are.


perhaps its because they don't think me as someone who they have to pop their DCs on. now lets take if im pop my DCs when I need to, I can hold them and even take 2 them of them down before I go down, but its rare that im that lucky that I take 2 of them down.


so if I gonna understand you right- If we are equal skilled I can't hold of 4ppl for a minute?

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They do that during the whole WZ, to a target they pick among the others.


So they focus fired down targets. A PuG group can do that just as easily if they know what they are doing and are paying attention to the match instead of just trying to top the damage meters.

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