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Getting stunlocked with full resolve bar


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Probably stun grenades. Stun grenades are an untyped stun that doesn't give any resolve and ignores resolve, you can be stunned by them with a full resolve bar and the resolve bar will deplete to almost half before the stun breaks.


Not a big deal when one person in the WZ uses them but when an entire team carries them in can get really annoying, really fast. I believe they should change them so that a full resolve bar will make you immune to them like it does every other stun in the game.


Every person runs them and uses them multiple times in RWZ matches. Completely imba and def not WAI. In my opinion the stun grenades are worse than the old +power adrenals in wzs.


CC is hopelessly broken overall after this patch. It is very easy to stun lock players, and keep them constantly rooted/snared. Resolve needs a complete over haul (again).

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Had a new experience in a Huttball match, it was RvR btw. I kept getting hit by some sort of attack (I think off a Sentinel) that would knock me to the ground. It seemed to take 4 or 5 seconds for my Shadow to get back to her feet and while she was down I was taking massive damage from focus fire. The thing was while I was down I could not do anything, couldn't activate and defensive CDs, couldn't pass the huttball, and even the CC Breaker (which was not on CD) was disabled. On 4 separate occasions I had the ball and was about to pass to a team mate when this happened and went from 75%+ HP to 0% before I could get back up.

I've never actually seen this happen before and wondered if anyone else had seen it or knew what attack was being used against me?

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