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I don't understand the hate over remake idea.


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I will say no since more and more great movies are coming out. The new generation won't have the same love as even the ones started to like it since prequel, not to say people who watched OT in the 70-80s. They need movies of their own time.


Why not make new movies since so many good EU stories are available?


Great movies? Nowadays? Where? Where?


Seriously nowadays its just like games they waste so much on special effects (graphics for games) that the story part of the movie, which should be the most important, is left a total garbage, same for TV shows...

Edited by RickShan
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Great movies? Nowadays? Where? Where?


Seriously nowadays its just like games they waste so much on special effects (graphics for games) that the story part of the movie, which should be the most important, is left a total garbage, same for TV shows...


Oh and BTW, the new/younger generation is a disgrace to mankind so, their (trash) opinion shouldn't count...


SW was great also partly because its special effect was over the top at that time.

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I'm sorry but remaking the orgional 3, is like remaking the classics like Cassablanca, the Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Hero's, The Great Escape, Wizard of Oz.


There are just certain movies you just don't mess with cause they are too iconic and classic.


4-6 fall into this category, just like heaven help them trying to remake Raiders of the Last Ark, or any others.


Sorry, 4-6 remake. BAD IDEA.

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I think a remake would be a great idea. The original trilogy was great but feels extremely dated at this point, even more so if you watch the silly version where they dump in CG at random.



Worse comes to worse, if the previews look like crap then just skip it. Worked for 21 Jump Street.

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You want them to remake the OT? Why? I think I know why. You want them to remake it and have all of the special effects and CGI that they had in the PT. That's not what indentifies Star Wars. Yes, the special effects are nice, but Star Wars is a story. The OT wove a magnificent tale, the PT built onto that, with special effects.


Let me put it this way: you do not mess with the timeless tale of Star Wars. A remake would not be good because it would not be the same. They would change it.

Edited by Aurbere
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You can't remake Star Wars. Too many quotes could simply never be recreated, or re-imagined, with the same effect as they had in the OT. The original descriptions of the Force from Yoda and "Old Ben", the honesty and emotion in the lightsaber battles, the natural chemistry between Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. These things aren't easy to recreate.


Lucas tried, and what we ended up with was Qui-Gon lecturing about Midichlorians; drawn out, over-choreographed duels; and the abortion that was the Padme/Anakin love affair.



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You can't remake Star Wars. Too many quotes could simply never be recreated, or re-imagined, with the same effect as they had in the OT. The original descriptions of the Force from Yoda and "Old Ben", the honesty and emotion in the lightsaber battles, the natural chemistry between Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. These things aren't easy to recreate.


Lucas tried, and what we ended up with was Qui-Gon lecturing about Midichlorians; drawn out, over-choreographed duels; and the abortion that was the Padme/Anakin love affair.




The prequels were nice. My gf cried after EP 3! :)

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Didn't Lucas make it to where nobody, not even his children that will inherit his companies, can legally remake the movies except for him? So, even after his death, they still cannot legally remake it?


That's what I've heard, even to the point that if his kids try to make/liscense/allow any new star wars movies to be made, they will lose everything even after GL has passed on.

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The prequels were nice. My gf cried after EP 3! :)


To each their own. I can appreciate the cinematography, and I like that Lucas often allows the combination of music and visuals tell the story instead of flat dialogue -though there is also some pretty flat dialogue at times- but ultimately there were too many underdeveloped characters, plot holes, disappointing acting performances, and gaudyness (is that a word?). Star Wars used to be gritty. The Millenium Falcon was falling apart. The Rebels used old busted-*** cruisers and fighters. Hoth, Dagobah, and Tattoine had harsh and unforgiving climates (other than the beautiful sunset, of course.) Even the shiny Death Star Was created with harsh lines and angles (weird for a sphere) and a bleak black/grey color scheme, and of course we can't forget the grimy trash compactor.


The PT was all about flash and shine. We see Gungans using shiny blue shields and grendade-orbs against the army of shiny robots. Amidala's wardrobe is the definition of gaudy. We see people traveling on shiny metallic ships instead of the "bucket of bolts" Millenium Falcon. Lightsabers now have crisp lines, instead of a slight sputtering and flickering. Naboo and Camino don't have a speck of dirt anywhere. Even places that rightly should have been grimy, like oh I don't know, any given scene on Tatooine or Geonosis, still came off "tidy". That's not the Star Wars I grew up with.


The combination of the negatives outweighs the positives, for me.



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Remakes are bad ideas because:


Mark Hammil is Luke Skywalker.

Carrie Fisher is Princess Leia.

Harrison Ford is Han Solo.

Billy Dee is Lando Calrissian.


All of the EU art is based on those actors, and if they remade the movies they'd have to scrap all the EU that portrays those characters. It is a bad idea. Plus, the OT was perfect from the start. Now - I love Ewan MacGregor, he's a great actor, and he does a great Kenobi - but what, you think they would dye his hair gray and have him in it as Old Ben? Or do the CG Yoda - not knocking it - instead of ESB's puppet Yoda?


Bad. Idea.

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I'm sorry but remaking the orgional 3, is like remaking the classics like Cassablanca, the Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Hero's, The Great Escape, Wizard of Oz.


There are just certain movies you just don't mess with cause they are too iconic and classic.


4-6 fall into this category, just like heaven help them trying to remake Raiders of the Last Ark, or any others.


Sorry, 4-6 remake. BAD IDEA.


In regards to your "remake of the wizard of Oz"-we have a better understanding of how hallucinogenic drugs work :tran_cool:

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It is kind of broke among other things whenever I watch the old lightsaber fights I cringe a little bit. Especially the Fight between Vader and Obi-wan wich could be so epic and moving considering what we know of the characters now.



Sooo, because they're not prancing around and jumping from this ledge to that balcony it's broken? I'm guessing the meaning of the fight flew right over your head.

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