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Fury Prank Calls


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My first attempt at fanfic. Any comments, criticisms will be appreciated.



K'ylin leaned against the Fury's holocommunicator, smirking. Vette stood, trying her best not to break down into a fit of giggles. Quinn stood at parade-rest, face impassive and serious for the task at hand.


"Everyone remember the plan?"


"Yes, " said Vette, still giggling.


"I am ready, my lord. "




K'ylin punched in the number to call Darth Baras and stepped out of view. His large visage loomed over Quinn.


"Yes, what is it appren...Ah, Quinn. To what do I owe this pleasure?"


Quinn straightened and stared Baras down. "Greetings, my lord. I wish to discuss something that has been bothering me for some time now."


Baras mirrored Quinn's stance. "Very well. Discuss away, Lieutenant."


"My lord, I am worried about your sudden weight gain. You should not be putting on this many pounds."


"Excuse me?"


Quinn stroked his chin. "With all due respect, my lord, you look a touch...thick. Have you been overeating again?"


"How dare you..."


Quinn held up a finger to silence the overbearing Sith. "Forgive me, my lord. I believe you do not understand the gravity of your situation. I will attempt to help you realize how serious this problem is."


Oh, Malavai. You're doing so well.


"Lord Baras, you are indeed so rotund that you exceed the standard elevator weight capacity."


Baras actually growled. Vette stifled a giggle.


"Lord Baras, you are indeed so fat that the Dark Council members gossip about the contents of your breakfast, lunch and dinner."


K'ylin swore she could see Baras trembling in the hologram. "Someone's getting angry,,,"


"Malavai. I suggest you stop this foolishness at once. It does not suit you."


Quinn continued, unfettered. "My lord, do I have to confiscate your crate of bantha milk? You know how fattening that beverage can be. Shame on you."


"Malavai, I'm warning you..."


"My lord, this is serious. You should not be eating so many flatcakes. It isn't good for your heart."




Baras's earsplitting yell nearly shorted out the holocomm. Vette couldn't help it. She lost herself in gut-busting laughter. K'ylin fell over in hysterics.


"Quinn! Tell my apprentice that I am not insipid! I know she is behind this and I will punish her accordingly!"


"Might I suggest vegetables, my lord? They do a body good."


The holocall abruptly ended. Quinn turned to the two giggling women. "Did I perform according to your specifications, my lord?"


"By the Force, Quinn...Yes!"


K'ylin rose to her feet, shaking off her mirth. She planted a loud smooch on Quinn's cheek.. "Outstanding, Lieutenant. Meet me in my quarters for a...thorough debriefing. "


He bowed. unable to hide his flaming red cheeks.


"I live to serve."



Let me know if you want to see more.

Edited by SmugglersLuck
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