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Final Round: Nihilius vs Vitiate


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Because Sidious became like Nihilus, when he died and transferred his essence, his power kept growing and growing, he HAD to devour the 16 billion population on Byss for awhile because he needed to, his clone bodies kept dying on him, his power was killing him, he was basically going through what Nihilus went through to become what he did, albeit in a separate manner, but the difference between the two is that Sidious could partially control this, Nihilus couldn't, he actually learned how to stop himself from being devoured by it to, to stop becoming like the monster Nihilus was, he kept his personality and state of mind, albeit he couldn't fully control his powers altogether hence his excessive outbursts of power.


That's what I was thinking as well, but wasn't sure. What about Luke though? I read that he taught the NJO how to resist drainage abilities. Is that true? Something that's bothered me after playing KOTOR 2 again. :confused:

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Did you ever consider the possibility that these misconceptions could (and are) be coming from you two? What makes your word law? I swear you guys act as if your all-knowing on this subject but the fact is you're biased. You yourselves are guilty of a few misconceptions concerning the book. I'm guessing this comes from a hatred for Revan and all things related to him.


I'm going to do my upmost to never again engage in a Revan novel related discussion with either of you. It's too painful.


Are you just blatantly this confrontational and love to make rash accusations? we have been here a LOT longer than you, so don't stroll in like you're the next big sheriff in town making a stand, because unless you haven't noticed, there is nothing to take a stand over.


Here is how not just me an Aurbere, but many others debunk misconceptions, read carefully, wouldn't want you to miss the entire point.


If one piece of canon, E.g Revan being able to wield both sides of the force contradicts other much more solid sources of canon E.g George Lucas stating it isn;t possible at all and that you either use the Light side of the force OR the Dark Side, not both, not neither, but one or the other.


So then we have to take the initiative and think, okay what other possibilities are there? well we know for a fact that what was described in the Revan novel during that final scene sounds very similar to the description of Jacen Solo achieving oneness with the force in LotF, we go with that, because it's the only logical explanation, this has been debated before, until a large group of us just settled on the matter realising no other explanation is possible(Unless you want us to just call the entire thing non-canon as it conflicts with word of god Lucas canon, as you seem to want to take some big stand on the way things should be here.), that is how we debunk something that conflicts with other canon sources and label it as a misconception.


Well that's it, class dismissed.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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That's what I was thinking as well, but wasn't sure. What about Luke though? I read that he taught the NJO how to resist drainage abilities. Is that true? Something that's bothered me after playing KOTOR 2 again. :confused:


Luke is in a whole other ball park, you know the whole thing with Abeloth? yeh she was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Nihilus.


She was basically the Star Wars version of the Reapers, that gets unleashed whenever the galaxy needs a touch of that reset button.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Luke is in a whole other ball park, you know the whole thing with Abeloth? yeh she was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Nihilus.


She was basically the Star Wars version of the Reapers, that gets unleashed whenever the galaxy needs a touch of that reset button.


Unfortunately most of my info on Abeloth comes from the Star Wars wiki. I just recently finished Omen and have been trying to pick up the next book at my library. Unforunately, the book is not available yet. I haven't read much on Abeloth so I don't spoil the books for me, though lol. All I know is that Abeloth is a Force god that is at the same level as Luke.


But yeah, Luke is really the only mortal that can face Abeloth. And that means that Nihilus is no match for him. I really hate when people compare certain individuals to Sidious or Luke. It's no contest really.

Edited by Aurbere
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So after reading this entire post...

I have to say I Nihilius would defeat the Emperor.


The facts are just there..

Not to say I want Vitiate to lose.

I believe someone with so much story and experience should win..

But the Nihilius supporters backed him up with canon facts.


They are both essence absorbing beasts, yes.

So it comes down to the proverbial quick draw, and Vitiate loses.



We all want the Emperor to be the God he is portrayed to be,

But Nihilius is just a monster( OP in my estimation).

So all in all


My vote is for the Commander of the Ravager.

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Did you even read the section when the Exile went to Nathema after she found out where it was? where she ALMOST DIED JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS THERE, unlike Malachor V where she strolled along tralalala and wiped out the Trayus Academy.


Spot the difference? there effects may be similar, but they are NOT the same thing as you are suggesting, Vitiate did not have knowledge on wounds in the force and would not know how to stop himself and everything else around him from being chomped on.


Okay, so there is a difference. But you were saying that they had Nathema and Malachor V had NOTHING in common. That's what bothered me.

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3. What Nihilus does is not of the Force. It is something that you cannot defend against. It destroys all life in an instant. Even the Wall of Light could not stop him.


4. Rituals are his only means of pulling off that which Nihilus does just by being. He was powerful before the rituals, but even after the rituals he can't beat Nihilus. There is nothing Vitiate can do to protect himself from Nihilus' power.


I would disagree with you here, while everything else you say is true and the odds are certainly in Nihilus's favour - his power was of the force. The force is everything and is in everything, even a wound in the force is not entirely devoid of it. A black hole is a good example, their is nothing inside it, but it draws on things outside it and devours it, so at some point there is use of the force in his power.


In my opinion Nihilus's power is far from unique, its just an extreme version of force drain and actually a ritual known to others. (in fact dark-side Meetra used this power) Kreia herself says that it was an arcane practice used by Ancient Sith at some point after Hundred Year Darkness, but was lost after the Lords of the Sith abandoned Republic space and their strongholds were deserted I think we can interpret that as the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War which resulted in a Sith defeat, as it was the first battle between Sith and Jedi after the Hundred-Years Darkness. Vitiate was alive during the Great Hyperspace War, although he did not participate in it, he was a scholar and studied Sith magic. So therefore he would have been one of the most likely candidates to be aware of the power, I would even go as far to say that what he did on Nathema was somehow a version of it (very similar to what happened on Katarr).


So in this sense, it actually seems likely he was aware of the power, and since his own ritual was probably inspired by it (it seem at bit of a coincidence that they are similar, I would say that the developers came up with the idea from Nihilus). So he must have some way to defend against it.


However, Nihilus could get a drop of Vitiate without him realising it and consume Dromund Kaas and Vitiate from above before he could react. But Vitiate would have sensed the many sudden deaths occuring in the galaxy and would have become suspicious, maybe he would have sent out a scout to search for the cause. If he found it, and understood what it was, he could set a trap like Kreia did, but with Nathema (a dead world). And therefore weaken him, then Vitiate would have a chance of defeating him, as well as time to prepare a defense against his known power.


(and please don't get aggravated over this debate. I chose the subject because I knew it would be controversial but I don't want people to get angry and upset. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and we can easily have a reasoned debate over this. I don't think anyone is pretending that their words are canon, if anything canon seems to be in Vitiates favor, were just using facts to make a argument)

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Are you just blatantly this confrontational and love to make rash accusations? we have been here a LOT longer than you, so don't stroll in like you're the next big sheriff in town making a stand, because unless you haven't noticed, there is nothing to take a stand over.


Here is how not just me an Aurbere, but many others debunk misconceptions, read carefully, wouldn't want you to miss the entire point.


If one piece of canon, E.g Revan being able to wield both sides of the force contradicts other much more solid sources of canon E.g George Lucas stating it isn;t possible at all and that you either use the Light side of the force OR the Dark Side, not both, not neither, but one or the other.


So then we have to take the initiative and think, okay what other possibilities are there? well we know for a fact that what was described in the Revan novel during that final scene sounds very similar to the description of Jacen Solo achieving oneness with the force in LotF, we go with that, because it's the only logical explanation, this has been debated before, until a large group of us just settled on the matter realising no other explanation is possible(Unless you want us to just call the entire thing non-canon as it conflicts with word of god Lucas canon, as you seem to want to take some big stand on the way things should be here.), that is how we debunk something that conflicts with other canon sources and label it as a misconception.


Well that's it, class dismissed.


No, I haven't made "rash accusations".


As for the Nathema thing, that's what really pissed me in the first place. But now you've made yourself clear, and I believe I understood you. I guess it was the Nathema thing plus a few other things that really made me outburst. I mean, Nathema and Malachor V do have similarities. You were saying that they didn't.


As for Revan using both sides of the force, I was wrong about that. I guess I don't know much about the laws of canon. But that isn't what I've been talking about in this thread so there's no since in bringing it up.


Again, the whole oneness with the force. No argument here, so don't bother bringing it up.


I'm sure you guys have done plenty of brainstorming and have come across many neat conclusions and theories that are certainly worth discussing. The thing is, you don't know for sure. You say things like "KI-AdiMundi would beat Revan. That's canon." No, it's not canon. We will never know because these two never fought. In the end, I would ask you to speak with less absolutes and definates because it really unnerves me. Saying things like "I think that Ki-Adi-Mundi would probably beat Revan" is much better then saying "Ki-Adi-Mundi would wipe the floor with Revan." Understand? Surely you get why I've been so irratated. This is what I've been bothered the most by and if you could stop it, we'd have much more agreeable conversations.

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I would disagree with you here, while everything else you say is true and the odds are certainly in Nihilus's favour - his power was of the force. The force is everything and is in everything, even a wound in the force is not entirely devoid of it. A black hole is a good example, their is nothing inside it, but it draws on things outside it and devours it, so at some point there is use of the force in his power.


In my opinion Nihilus's power is far from unique, its just an extreme version of force drain and actually a ritual known to others. (in fact dark-side Meetra used this power) Kreia herself says that it was an arcane practice used by Ancient Sith at some point after Hundred Year Darkness, but was lost after the Lords of the Sith abandoned Republic space and their strongholds were deserted I think we can interpret that as the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War which resulted in a Sith defeat, as it was the first battle between Sith and Jedi after the Hundred-Years Darkness. Vitiate was alive during the Great Hyperspace War, although he did not participate in it, he was a scholar and studied Sith magic. So therefore he would have been one of the most likely candidates to be aware of the power, I would even go as far to say that what he did on Nathema was somehow a version of it (very similar to what happened on Katarr).


So in this sense, it actually seems likely he was aware of the power, and since his own ritual was probably inspired by it (it seem at bit of a coincidence that they are similar, I would say that the developers came up with the idea from Nihilus). So he must have some way to defend against it.


However, Nihilus could get a drop of Vitiate without him realising it and consume Dromund Kaas and Vitiate from above before he could react. But Vitiate would have sensed the many sudden deaths occuring in the galaxy and would have become suspicious, maybe he would have sent out a scout to search for the cause. If he found it, and understood what it was, he could set a trap like Kreia did, but with Nathema (a dead world). And therefore weaken him, then Vitiate would have a chance of defeating him, as well as time to prepare a defense against his known power.


(and please don't get aggravated over this debate. I chose the subject because I knew it would be controversial but I don't want people to get angry and upset. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and we can easily have a reasoned debate over this. I don't think anyone is pretending that their words are canon, if anything canon seems to be in Vitiates favor, were just using facts to make a argument)


Now THAT is a counter-argument and I completely applaud you for it.


I won't even debate it back, GG sir.

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Okay, so there is a difference. But you were saying that they had Nathema and Malachor V had NOTHING in common. That's what bothered me.


Perhaps I was being excessive but after repeatedly explaining to a few other people beforehand the exact same thing, it kind of annoyed me that people were still debating something I'd already settled upon.


I apologise for having lashed out at you due to my own aggravation.

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I'm sure you guys have done plenty of brainstorming and have come across many neat conclusions and theories that are certainly worth discussing. The thing is, you don't know for sure. You say things like "KI-AdiMundi would beat Revan. That's canon." No, it's not canon. We will never know because these two never fought. In the end, I would ask you to speak with less absolutes and definates because it really unnerves me. Saying things like "I think that Ki-Adi-Mundi would probably beat Revan" is much better then saying "Ki-Adi-Mundi would wipe the floor with Revan." Understand? Surely you get why I've been so irratated. This is what I've been bothered the most by and if you could stop it, we'd have much more agreeable conversations.


We aren't saying it's canonically set in stone that Ki-Adi Mundi beats Revan instantly, what we do know is that Ki-Adi Mundi due to being what he is, is far more intelligent and he is a master duellist with so much skill that if Revan attempted at all to take the Jedi Master on in a traditional sense, he would lose, he would simply be out-played. However if Revan took him on with his more exotic abilities and used Mundi's lack of knowledge on things such as Tutaminis, then he'd have a much better chance at winning.

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Thankyou, this matchup really interests me. I'm planning on writing a short fan-fiction on it as a grand finale if you like to the series. :D


I am genuinely and happily surprised, you used total canonical evidence to back up all your statements and that is something I can happily agree with.


I won't make any counter-statements despite the fact I could, but instead I'll just leave it as is.

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Perhaps I was being excessive but after repeatedly explaining to a few other people beforehand the exact same thing, it kind of annoyed me that people were still debating something I'd already settled upon.


I apologise for having lashed out at you due to my own aggravation.


I, too, apologise for the calling you guys biased. It was untrue and immature.


Hopefully we can have less heated debates in the future. :)

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I would disagree with you here, while everything else you say is true and the odds are certainly in Nihilus's favour - his power was of the force. The force is everything and is in everything, even a wound in the force is not entirely devoid of it. A black hole is a good example, their is nothing inside it, but it draws on things outside it and devours it, so at some point there is use of the force in his power.


In my opinion Nihilus's power is far from unique, its just an extreme version of force drain and actually a ritual known to others. (in fact dark-side Meetra used this power) Kreia herself says that it was an arcane practice used by Ancient Sith at some point after Hundred Year Darkness, but was lost after the Lords of the Sith abandoned Republic space and their strongholds were deserted I think we can interpret that as the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War which resulted in a Sith defeat, as it was the first battle between Sith and Jedi after the Hundred-Years Darkness. Vitiate was alive during the Great Hyperspace War, although he did not participate in it, he was a scholar and studied Sith magic. So therefore he would have been one of the most likely candidates to be aware of the power, I would even go as far to say that what he did on Nathema was somehow a version of it (very similar to what happened on Katarr).


So in this sense, it actually seems likely he was aware of the power, and since his own ritual was probably inspired by it (it seem at bit of a coincidence that they are similar, I would say that the developers came up with the idea from Nihilus). So he must have some way to defend against it.


However, Nihilus could get a drop of Vitiate without him realising it and consume Dromund Kaas and Vitiate from above before he could react. But Vitiate would have sensed the many sudden deaths occuring in the galaxy and would have become suspicious, maybe he would have sent out a scout to search for the cause. If he found it, and understood what it was, he could set a trap like Kreia did, but with Nathema (a dead world). And therefore weaken him, then Vitiate would have a chance of defeating him, as well as time to prepare a defense against his known power.


(and please don't get aggravated over this debate. I chose the subject because I knew it would be controversial but I don't want people to get angry and upset. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and we can easily have a reasoned debate over this. I don't think anyone is pretending that their words are canon, if anything canon seems to be in Vitiates favor, were just using facts to make a argument)


Like Rayla said, that's how it is done.


I would only contest one thing, you never said if this was a scenario or just a straight up fight. Straight up Nihilus wins, but if the scenario you depicted plays out Vitiate might have a chance. Slim, but a chance.

Edited by Aurbere
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No, I haven't made "rash accusations".


As for the Nathema thing, that's what really pissed me in the first place. But now you've made yourself clear, and I believe I understood you. I guess it was the Nathema thing plus a few other things that really made me outburst. I mean, Nathema and Malachor V do have similarities. You were saying that they didn't.


As for Revan using both sides of the force, I was wrong about that. I guess I don't know much about the laws of canon. But that isn't what I've been talking about in this thread so there's no since in bringing it up.


Again, the whole oneness with the force. No argument here, so don't bother bringing it up.


I'm sure you guys have done plenty of brainstorming and have come across many neat conclusions and theories that are certainly worth discussing. The thing is, you don't know for sure. You say things like "KI-AdiMundi would beat Revan. That's canon." No, it's not canon. We will never know because these two never fought. In the end, I would ask you to speak with less absolutes and definates because it really unnerves me. Saying things like "I think that Ki-Adi-Mundi would probably beat Revan" is much better then saying "Ki-Adi-Mundi would wipe the floor with Revan." Understand? Surely you get why I've been so irratated. This is what I've been bothered the most by and if you could stop it, we'd have much more agreeable conversations.


It's not set in stone that Ki-Adi would win, but he is canonically much more powerful than Revan ever could be. Master Mundi is very intelligent(two brains if I'm correct) and is a master duelist with lightning fast reflexes. Revan's only hope is to employ rare powers that Mundi would have no knowledge against. But that brings up the question, how would Revan know to use these abilities?


Don't answer that. Just making my point clear. Let's move on.

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Like Rayla said, that's how it is done.


I would only contest one thing, you never said if this was a scenario or just a straight up fight. Straight up Nihilus wins, but if the scenario you depicted plays out Vitiate might have a chance. Slim, but a chance.


In a straight up fight would Nihilus win? Lets say, and it seems likely, that Vitiate has knowledge of his force devouring power and the ability to counter it, he could bring his powers in the force to bear which arguably could defeat Nihilus. But then again, defenses can be overcome and it is also likely that Vitiate has never encountered this power on such a scale. If there had been any other being with such power in the ritual, we would have heard of it.

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In a straight up fight would Nihilus win? Lets say, and it seems likely, that Vitiate has knowledge of his force devouring power and the ability to counter it, he could bring his powers in the force to bear which arguably could defeat Nihilus. But then again, defenses can be overcome and it is also likely that Vitiate has never encountered this power on such a scale. If there had been any other being with such power in the ritual, we would have heard of it.


Like Rayla said, Nihilus' power is not of the Force. It devours all things and destroys them. It is not something that you can defend against. Even the most powerful abilities the Jedi could use to defend themselves were not enough. He is a black hole in which all things die. Unless Vitiate is a wound in the Force, he can't win.


EDIT: Alright. I've done some thinking and considered all of the angles. I still believe Nihilus would win. What Vitiate does at Nathema is something in the realm of a massive Force Drain ability. Draining the Force energy of the Sith around him as well as the planet itself. What Nihilus does is different. He destroys the Force energy. He consumes and destroys any Force energy he encounters. Nihilus' only concern is finding and devouring Force energy. The stronger it is, the more alluring. Upon sensing Vitiate's energy, Nihilus would be on him at all speed. We must remember that what Vitiate does at Nathema is from a ritual. He himself does not have the power to cause such destruction. Which means that he would need to use a ritual to defend himself. But that depends if there is a ritual to defend himself from something like Nihilus. And I doubt Nihilus would give him time to prepare.

Edited by Aurbere
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Just a general query here, but I don't think the trap of Nihilus involved Telos IV being a 'dead planet' that Nihilus could not consume, like a planet version of Meetra. Wookiepedia and what I remember from the game seemed to imply that he could and would devour the planet if not stopped, he was merely tricked into believing the planet had a Jedi Academy on.


So really we have no idea what would happen if Nihilus attempted to consume, or landed on/arrive at Nathema. Would he be killed instantly? Attempting to consume Meetra seemed to have a powerful affect on him, so we can assume an entire planet would be worse.



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Just a general query here, but I don't think the trap of Nihilus involved Telos IV being a 'dead planet' that Nihilus could not consume, like a planet version of Meetra. Wookiepedia and what I remember from the game seemed to imply that he could and would devour the planet if not stopped, he was merely tricked into believing the planet had a Jedi Academy on.


So really we have no idea what would happen if Nihilus attempted to consume, or landed on/arrive at Nathema. Would he be killed instantly? Attempting to consume Meetra seemed to have a powerful affect on him, so we can assume an entire planet would be worse.




I'm not sure. We know Nathema was pretty much a dead world. Telos wasn't in much better shape of course. The planet wasn't recovering so maybe the planet was 'dead' as well. I don't think he would die instantly, perhaps severly weakened. This is all speculation of course as we don't know if Vitiate could lead him to Nathema. Many things have to swing in the Emperor's favor in order for that to happen. Plus he would have to know exactly what Nihilus is doing. As I have said, what Nihilus does is different from what Vitiate did at Nathema.


Here is a likely scenario:


The Sith Emperor hears of planetary destruction across the galaxy. He sends scouts to find the cause of this destruction, but they do not return. Suddenly, a battered ship appears above Dromund Kaas. This must be the threat he sensed. Before he can do anything, the planet is ravaged by this mysterious being's power. And even the great Emperor only served to sate the hunger of this being.


Speculation, of course. But an accurate assesment. Many things would have to go in Vitiate's favor in order for him to even try to lead Nihilus to Nathema. And then what? Would Nathema affect Nihilus? I don't know.


Oh and if you do write a fanfic of this battle I would enjoy reading it. I have mentored several creative writing students before.

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It's not set in stone that Ki-Adi would win, but he is canonically much more powerful than Revan ever could be. Master Mundi is very intelligent(two brains if I'm correct) and is a master duelist with lightning fast reflexes. Revan's only hope is to employ rare powers that Mundi would have no knowledge against. But that brings up the question, how would Revan know to use these abilities?


Don't answer that. Just making my point clear. Let's move on.


Yes it is canon that Ki-Adi-Mundi is a better duelist. I wouldn't say "much" more powerful. However ther are other factors in a fight like force powers and tactics.

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This is just a question when Kreia had the force stripped from her by Nihilus how did she get it back?


Very good question, we can only assume that she did so in a way similar to the Exile - slowly regaining a connection to the force over a prolonged period. In a sense its sort of illustrated by the leveling up process, when your character lvl's up she gains new force powers - sort her regaining her connection. And when Kreia lvl's up the same thing happens.


The fact that Peragus Kreia gets easily defeated by Sion whereas Malachor Kreia owns Sion seems to imply this is the case.


regarding his knowledge on wounds.

though its been a while since i read the book isn't the emperor surprised at the exile and the fact that she is a wound in the force and couldn't foresee her?


I don't think so. I think the surprise your recalling is when she disarmed him with a saber throw as he was about to kill Revan. The power and accuracy of the throw caught him off guard, and Scourge believed if he had aimed it at the Emperor it could have killed/mortally wounded him. But, it seems strange that such a powerful Sith lord would not be able to deflect a single saber throw - so perhaps it did have something to do with her being a wound in the force. As Nihilus' attacks on the Jedi seem to imply that wounds in the force couldn't be sensed/foreseen.


If this is the case, it would certainly give Nihilus the edge in a fight if it came down to lightsaber combat or something similar.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Like Rayla said, Nihilus' power is not of the Force. It devours all things and destroys them. It is not something that you can defend against. Even the most powerful abilities the Jedi could use to defend themselves were not enough. He is a black hole in which all things die. Unless Vitiate is a wound in the Force, he can't win.


EDIT: Alright. I've done some thinking and considered all of the angles. I still believe Nihilus would win. What Vitiate does at Nathema is something in the realm of a massive Force Drain ability. Draining the Force energy of the Sith around him as well as the planet itself. What Nihilus does is different. He destroys the Force energy. He consumes and destroys any Force energy he encounters. Nihilus' only concern is finding and devouring Force energy. The stronger it is, the more alluring. Upon sensing Vitiate's energy, Nihilus would be on him at all speed. We must remember that what Vitiate does at Nathema is from a ritual. He himself does not have the power to cause such destruction. Which means that he would need to use a ritual to defend himself. But that depends if there is a ritual to defend himself from something like Nihilus. And I doubt Nihilus would give him time to prepare.

No, he doesn't "destry force energy", thats just ridiculous and preposterous.


The KOTOR2 game actually states that he severs ones connection to the force and then feeds on the death he has caused. And yes, there ARE techniques that can defend these techniques that has been demonstrated by the likes of Sidious, Luke, Lumiya, Master tholme, the entire fallanasi race. Its a technique that removes and hides your force connection, you cannt sever or drain a connection that isn't there or cant be seen.


With Vitiate being the reigning Emperor for over a thousand years, i highly doubt he didn't know this technique. And no, Nihilus is perhaps the most overrated sith lord in existence. For all his might and power he still had to bring an entire fleet with him to a dead world, if powerful as people say he is, he would have been "uber draining" people on the other fleets without the need of him to being dozens of warships with him.

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