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New Guild(s) Creation


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Whilst there are a number of good guilds on Gav Daragon, I've not quite found any that fit what I'm looking for, so now I'm looking to build two new guilds, one Republic and one Imperial.


I'm happy to put the time and effort into building the guilds, hosting the website, etc, but I'm after expressions of interest from the Gav Daragon Community first.


Fundamentally, I'd like to see more roleplaying in the game (tricky with the current UI), but I'm hopeful that it will get better. In the meantime, I envisage that the Guild website will be a second point of contact for in-character (IC) interactions - somewhere where you can tell your stories, and those of your legacies, as well as trade and build relationships with other PCs.


Out Of Character (OOC), the Guilds will be well-organised, with the usual facilities that you'd expect, but nevertheless will be a laid-back setup, with the guild officers realising that we've all got busy lives outside of the SWTOR universe. To that end, and realising that the membership can't keep up with those who can spend hours on end playing, the guilds will be a cooperative system, with its members helping each other out by tithing a tenth of their credits once per month (on an honour system) and offering their time and expertise.


From an IC point of view, the Guilds will be set up as having an associated history and I'm hoping to have features such as a Marketplace for crafters, a Combat Academy for discussing PvP tactics, tips and tricks and a Lore Archive for listing momentous events in Galactic History (tactics, tips and tricks for Operations and Flashpoints, as well as for Heroics and Dailies) - to name just a few.


As I say, I'm happy to build it all and see how we go, but only if I can get the interest. If it's not there, then I'll wait another six montha and try again.


If you are interested, please leave your details below, or alternately, send an IC mail to either Karad (Republic) or Daresh (Imperial).


Whether you're interested or not, thanks for reading.

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