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You should do slicing while leveling


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The profession system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is absolutely excellent. There are a small number of gathering professions, a large number of crafting, and a few "mission" skills which your companions can help you gather rarer items.


You can find some great guides to professions at http://www.starwarsmmolevelingguide.com/crafting-guide/



I'm not going to cover all of the professions today, but I do want to talk about the slicing profession and why you should get it immediately instead of a mission skill.


When you pick up slicing, it grants you access to nodes found in the world which contain credit boxes. Right click on the credit box and you will get credits. Simple enough. You also will have the ability to send your companions to level up this profession as well. Simply choose the missions which give you lockboxes and you can and will earn credits. The initial missions cost 95 credits to send your companion, but I have received boxes with up to 300 credits in them. In my last mission yesterday, I sent my companion on a mission which cost 300 credits to get a lockbox with 1200 credits in it. Simply put, every few minutes you send your companions (you can send up to two at a time) to gather free credits for you. Do this as often as possible.


Now, at the highest level, it might be that slicing is a bad profession, but slicing will always provide you a steady income and for leveling that income will help you buy your speeder, gear, mods, and upgrades and low level rare items wont' sell as much since people outlevel everything pretty quickly. Once you reach level 50, you can consider dropping slicing to pick up a different mission skill related to your crafting skill since you will need the rare materials, but until then, slicing is definitely the best way to go.


More evidence: I got slicing two days ago after I reached level 20 in game. I started with 10,000 credits. After playing for 6 hours and constantly sending two companions to do slicing, I now have 26,000 credits. Only about 3000 of that is from quests since most of the time I wasn't actually doing quests.



This is why you should go slicing while leveling and don't look back.

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Great post and even better advice.


Just started playing and went with Slicing right away but only by dumb luck. (My companion had a +15 slicing so figured would go with it) Have been sending my companion on Slicing missions when I enter towns, join teams or when traveling.


I am sure I will revisit crafting seriously later but right now I would rather play and pay than tinker with crafting. Slicing gives you the credits and freedom to do just that.

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Actually, this is what I did when I found out about how profitable Slicing is: I made an alt, got them their ship (so they could have 2 missions going at once) and dedicated them to slicing.


I start my game time by logging in to my slicer, picking up the credit boxes from the missions I started at the end of my previous session, and sending their sla- er, I mean companions on new missions. I make note of how long they will take, then switch to my main (or another alt). Each time I'm between missions (and not in a group), I check the clock, and if the slicing missions will be done, I switch to my slicer for a moment to trade out the missions again, then back to the character I'm actually working on.


Profit from slicing, and whatever "real" tradeskill you want on your main. Best of both worlds, IMO (at least until slicing gets nerfed), and all it takes is pushing through class missions on an alt you don't care about (or at least don't care about "real" crafting on).

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I focused on Slicing as soon as I picked it up. At level 25 I was sitting on 110k, the returns from he Slicing quests aren't that great but it all adds up along with being able to slice containers out in the world and making anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand (if you get lucky) from these containers which are everywhere.
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Maybe I'm doing something wrong here. I read yesterday about how great slicing is, and went and got it for some easy money. But after spending most of today doing crew missions (while working on christmas stuff), I found that more than half the time I sent my companion out for lockboxes, they were either worth less than the cost of the mission, or the mission came back a failure. I was losing money on slicing. Come to think of it, I was losing money on archaeology/artifice as well. I started out at about 10,000, now I'm at around 5-6000.


Granted, I spent some on new schematics, and have a significant chunk of crafting item rewards that I can't use (like blue & green crystals for a Sith Sorcerer), but I didn't think I'd've lost that much.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong here. I read yesterday about how great slicing is, and went and got it for some easy money. But after spending most of today doing crew missions (while working on christmas stuff), I found that more than half the time I sent my companion out for lockboxes, they were either worth less than the cost of the mission, or the mission came back a failure. I was losing money on slicing. Come to think of it, I was losing money on archaeology/artifice as well. I started out at about 10,000, now I'm at around 5-6000.


Granted, I spent some on new schematics, and have a significant chunk of crafting item rewards that I can't use (like blue & green crystals for a Sith Sorcerer), but I didn't think I'd've lost that much.


There's a dip at class 2 rewards, and on top of that remember that sending out for Rich yields is always better money wise than lower level yields even of the next class up. That said, it gets better. A lot better. I'm at 400 slicing, and despite not being high enough level to access the rich yield missions for class 6, I can still easily pull out 20,000 credits or more an hour just sending my companions off on class 4/5 rich missions while I level.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong here. I read yesterday about how great slicing is, and went and got it for some easy money. But after spending most of today doing crew missions (while working on christmas stuff), I found that more than half the time I sent my companion out for lockboxes, they were either worth less than the cost of the mission, or the mission came back a failure. I was losing money on slicing. Come to think of it, I was losing money on archaeology/artifice as well. I started out at about 10,000, now I'm at around 5-6000.


Granted, I spent some on new schematics, and have a significant chunk of crafting item rewards that I can't use (like blue & green crystals for a Sith Sorcerer), but I didn't think I'd've lost that much.


it may start off like that, but trust us dude. slicing is ridiculously profitable. once your slicing skill around 150 the credits really start rolling. i just dinged 25 and i had enough money for my speeder and the skill to ride it with a bunch left over.

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I'm not good at breaking this down to a science but I can tell you that from 1st day of EGA till last night I got slicing to 400 from world boxes and missions, I bought my speeder skill 40k and still have 100k credits. I do however find myself dependent on guildies for the UT mats I need for cybertech.
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i think it has a lot to with where your affection rating is as well on how much you get back from the slicing missions, i just got my ship on my first character and am sitting around 130 slicing, with my first companion i get an average of 300-500 credits per mission, sitting around 1900 affection, my second companion regularly flubs the missions and i havent spent anything on its affection yet
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My mercenary is level 37 and I'm using leveling with Slicing, Bioanalysis, and Diplomacy. Slicing is my main money maker. I have over 250k credits with very limited activity with GTN (auction house). It is also handy for augments that other crafters desperately want, and obtaining crewskill missions that other professions pay top dollar to get. Don't overlook diplomacy either, it gives you lots of leeway being able to balance your light/darkside points with companion affection.
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Thanks guys! Right now I'm only level 15, with just Kehm Val (no slicing proficiency), which whom I only have about 200 or so affection, and got my slicing up to 80-something. So it's a combination of low slicing skill and low affection. I'm looking forward to good times and rich profits!
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