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Quit WoW, Back to SWtOR


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I quit SWtOR back in April and went back to WoW, which I started playing a few months before its second expansion (TBC). After playing WoW again over the summer and into the fall, and experiencing its latest expansion (MoP) content, I have since returned to SWtOR.


Upon my return to this game, there is one statement that stands out: SWtOR is actually a really good game. It reminds me a bit of vanilla WoW, except it's actually a more complete game than WoW was when it first came out. The raw, core game content is all in place, like a scaffold to which this game can grow and thrive.


Like many fans, I was disappointed with SWtOR, especially after being level 50 for awhile. But I believe part of this was due to the great expectations everyone had for this game. Many of us wanted a polished, finely-tuned MMO at launch, and when we found certain features lacking, I think a lot of people panicked (both the customer and the company).


However, SWtOR is new, and has a loyal subscriber base of Star Wars fans upon which the game can continue to develop and improve. Regardless, it's a FUN game--more fun than WoW. And although that is just my personal opinion, I am sure that it is shared. Anyways, I am glad to be back :)

Edited by Somnoz
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welcome back and congrats on saying bye bye to a dated game!


I think WoW is done. Not because there is a single "WoW killer" out there, I think WoW is dated and there are several WoWkillers alltogether diminishing their playerbase.. SWTOR, GW2, TheSecretWorld, Planetside2, Rift, AgeofConan, Firefall.. and a plethora of korean MMOs which are doing the same thing in medieval fantasyland.


WoW has run it´s course and it has been killed by team effort! :D

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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And the numbers show it.


... oh wait.


I don't think WoW has run its course at all but we can't take their numbers at face value either. When Blizzard releases subscription numbers (the latest was 8-9 million IIRC) they count Chinese accounts as subscribers even though the pricing model over there is pay as you go time cards. And the vast majority of those 8-9 million users are in China. Their NA/Europe subscriber base has diminished substantially the last few years. When one considers that fact that many MMOs like SWTOR Rift etc do not have a presence in China, the differences in subscriber numbers are less dramatic.


The bottom line is WoW is still doing well but it's not the juggernaut it was, not by a long shot.

Edited by Projawa
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What is there to say? You expected TOR to be a step up from WOW, you realize it's just like WOW, then you go back to WOW, then you realize TOR is not WOW!

Tongue twister, I know, but let me explain: Companions, class stories, interesting crafting system, and planets are a step up from zones.


TOR is not dying. It's taken her 7 months, but the hot lifeguard's mouth-to-mouth reciprocation has finally awakened TOR!


And against the point, TOR and WOW are excellent names for different games. Not see why, they just go with eachother when you say them.

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Welcome back! I am back myself. I came back to play WoW also just because I still have friends that play and, even though I do believe it is dated compared to games like SWTOR and Guild Wars 2, I still enjoy it. It still has that something about it. Guess it's because it was my first MMO.


I play all 3 honestly. Guild Wars, SWTOR, and Wow. Now that this is becoming F2P I won't have to pay 2 subscriptions and I am hoping it will bring more people to the game. I really do think this game is great and still has a chance to be big.

Edited by JediHeroine
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And the numbers show it.


... oh wait.


Just give it another month. It takes a good many people a lot longer to realize MoP is just the same old dead mule Blizzard has been beating for about 6 years with a Asian feel. The rest of us are smart enough to know we have been fed enough crap to walk away.. Pokemon, Kung Fu Panda, and Farmville can't and will not change that.

Edited by Gryphandor
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