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Back after 9 months off. State of Sentinels?


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I played all through beta and leveled to 50 with my sentinel after first month game came out, then I took off for personal reasons and then never came back. I am itching to get back and play some now but after logging in and looking at all the changes I am little confused.


Can anyone tell me how the current state of the Class is? How are the three talent trees now? Are they more viable now, less, any suggestions, info would be greatly appreciated. Popular builds, trends, whatever I just like to know whats going on, anything to help me catch up. Thanks in advance.

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I played all through beta and leveled to 50 with my sentinel after first month game came out, then I took off for personal reasons and then never came back. I am itching to get back and play some now but after logging in and looking at all the changes I am little confused.


Can anyone tell me how the current state of the Class is? How are the three talent trees now? Are they more viable now, less, any suggestions, info would be greatly appreciated. Popular builds, trends, whatever I just like to know whats going on, anything to help me catch up. Thanks in advance.


Combat had a small change that helped in a big way (removing the GCD on Precision Slash), but otherwise not too much has changed. Focus got a change but it's still not comparable to Watchman and Combat, usually being 100-200 dps behind on a good day.

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All 3 trees are extremely viable. Watchman will give you better survivability for PVP, especially when you solo queue. Mara/Sents are beasts, everyone seems to have an alt. No matter the tree, once you get the rotation down, you'll have a blast. Read the forums on the details, I have a thread in the Marauder section with a lot of tid bits, you'll just have to translate Mara lingo to Sent lingo. Good Luck!
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Combat had a small change that helped in a big way (removing the GCD on Precision Slash), but otherwise not too much has changed. Focus got a change but it's still not comparable to Watchman and Combat, usually being 100-200 dps behind on a good day.

Then you are not playing it right. Focus is the king in high dps, but it lacks the utility of combat or survivability of watchman.

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Then you are not playing it right. Focus is the king in high dps, but it lacks the utility of combat or survivability of watchman.


I wouldn't call it king of high dps. Focus/Rage is king of AOEing crowds, but once people break off into 1on1s all over the battlefield you lose alot of your potential. It is king when people cluster themselves together, otherwise it is just like the Combat and Watchman as far as DPS output potential.

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Then you are not playing it right. Focus is the king in high dps, but it lacks the utility of combat or survivability of watchman.


Maybe if you're spending your entire time fighting surround by 5 enemies or so, otherwise Combat and Watchmen beat it blow for blow in terms of Single Target.

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Combat and Watchmen, for PvE/single target are blow for blow damn near identical DPS wise. (I can break 2k in both specs). Rage/Focus got buffed like a mofo, so now in PvP its a bit lolsy.

Pretty much. You get fanboys of both trees for pve dps but what it comes down to is comfort factor.. Obviously if someone has played watchman since launch they arent going to do as much dmg after quickly trying out combat for a raid or two.. and vice versa but they'll come on the forums and say that watchman parses more.. when in reality there isn't much in it at all they just haven't played combat enough.

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absolutely true. If you have played 1 build forever you're not going to randomly switch over to another tree and equal your DPS put out, it takes some practice. I switch between Watchman and Combat a lot because I want to be able to keep myself up to spec on both trees and recently have been toying with Focus in PvP, it certain is pretty good, you don't see every other Rage Jug/Mar in smash spec by accident. I haven't tried it for PvE all it seems to me like it would be is clearing trash or adds which a Commando would do a lot better with more then just 1 AoE.


But in PvE I know Watch and Combat are perfecty viable, we typically have 2 sents in our raids and I go combat because I know the build and the other is Watchman, we get a nice synergy there with the burst from Combat on say the Bombers in Kephess and on the Walker vs the nice high sustained DPS on the Watchman sent. We flip flop on our parser trading for top spot all raid long.

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