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Sidious had not killed Plagueis (in his weakened state anyways)

And had continued to be his apprentice?


Do you think the Clone Wars would've gone differently?


How would Sidious have confronted his Master in an alternate scenario?


And most importantly,

Could Sidious even take Plagueis in his prime?



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Well,the clone wars would be pretty much the same,with some differences,Plagueis would probably let palps continue with his manipulations,now the main difference would be that Dooku wouldn't be Palps apprentice,at least not so obviously as that would go against the Rule of Two and Plagueis would intervene.(Maul was a secret apprentice and always acted in the shadows,Dooku on the other hand was the CIS "face")


And just a note, eventually one would have to kill the other as the Rule of Two dictates that either the Apprentice would kill the Master or the master should find an apprentice who could.Palps killed Plagueis on the right time so he could have an apprentice(read: puppet) of his own without his master finding out.

Now how would he do it,I think the same way(drugging him and shocking him in his sleep)as a direct fight between such powerful Sith Lords could draw unwanted attention from the Jedi.


About if both of them had a direct fight,I believe by that time(PT)even if Plagueis wasn't weakened Palpatine was more powerful,(not by much)he had already learned almost everything he could(everything but midi-chlorian manipulation)from him,and plagueis had become more of a nuisance,so he killed him.

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