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More craftable Apparel equipments for Armormech/Synthweaving/Armstech


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Thanks for taking your time to read this thread, I shall get to the point.


Even with the implementation of crafting augments and augment kits for the 'less popular' crafters, we can still hardly compete with essential crafters such as Biochem or Cybertech.


With the recent patch of moddable offhand, Artifice and Armstech are now roughly on par with Biochem and Cybertech in terms of risk and reward profiteering.


What about Armormech and Synthweaving?

We still have some things to compete with. We are the only ones able to craft orange customizable equipments (Armstechs being able to craft certain unique looking weaponry are exceptions). We can craft powerful augments that further enhance our equipments.


But all these don't seem rewarding enough to take the time and effort to level up crew skills for something that will have a diminishing return in late game. (Compared to other crew skills)

Here are my propositions:

1. Allow us to craft more customizable (empty) orange armors with different varients such as:

The pre-1.2 versions of pvp gears (Centurion/Champion)


2. Allow us to learn certain customizable (empty) orange armors schematics through the level50 comms such as:

Tionese/Columi Commendations


3. Allow us to learn Bind on Legacy equipments (For Armormech/Synthweaving/Armstech/Artifice) with a very high difficulty of obtaining the schematic such as:

Schematics only dropped as rare loot in NM EV / NM KP / HM EC / HM TFB


Here are some images of the 'unavailable' or 'extremely rare' equipments you will see (No event items shown)

Vanguard in Blue

Commando in Red

(So far we have that ugly Outcast armor, the texture and the skin of this red trooper armor are only available for Tanno Vik or the same texture for other level40+ non-moddable equipments)

Centurion/Champion Armor


In truth, I am lobbying for more character armor customization, everyone looks the same and I'd like to see more differentiation between the characters. Adaptive armors aren't doing enough, and the recent reduction in mod ripping price only helps that much.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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1. Allow us to craft more customizable (empty) orange armors with different varients such as:

The pre-1.2 versions of pvp gears (Centurion/Champion)




Around 1.2 there was supposed to be a massive wave of craftable orange shells........... but it never happened.


I guess the F2P decision was maybe taken around that time and they decided to save them all for the cashshop instead. :(

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Synthweaving took a massive hit when they made it rediculously easy to add augment slots. I opposed the whole concept of "augmentation kits" however my opposition went against the general ethos of the game - by not introducing those items something in the game would actually have remained a little bit difficult!!


If augmented kit could only be created by crit crafting something then we had a market. Not everyone was running around in fully augmented stuff, and there was a market for both items on the GTN.

Kits were intriduced, which are simple to create and can be used by anyone.


My Synthweaver is collecting all of the orange schematics - it's a little sub-quest I've created for myself and it's my intention that she will be able to create any orange item int he game that can be crafted by players.

But is there any real point? No.

The only item that really sell well are the low-level orange items. So new characters can get fully equipped in orange nice and early in the game and use it all the way to lvl50.

The high-end stuff can sell, but again only certain items, occasionally you find someone who wants a particular look, but not that often.


Under the guise of "adding great new crafting features" for Synthweavers and the like with the crazy implimentation of augmentation kits, they infact destroyed a whole percentage of the already pretty poor selling market.

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I am all the way for more apparel in the game. You can check out my compilation thread (please post) containing armor sets from class advertising and the percentage of gear presented to what is available is just appaling.


I've seen the thread, well done on gathering all those pictures. I shall post some of the trooper ones once I've gathered some of the said advertised but never seen in-game armors.


Around 1.2 there was supposed to be a massive wave of craftable orange shells........... but it never happened.


I guess the F2P decision was maybe taken around that time and they decided to save them all for the cashshop instead. :(


Never thought of that could be the reason why they're cutting us out on customizable orange schematics..


But something still needs to be done, us apparel crafters need more attention and market.


Synthweaving took a massive hit when they made it rediculously easy to add augment slots. I opposed the whole concept of "augmentation kits" however my opposition went against the general ethos of the game - by not introducing those items something in the game would actually have remained a little bit difficult!!


If augmented kit could only be created by crit crafting something then we had a market. Not everyone was running around in fully augmented stuff, and there was a market for both items on the GTN.

Kits were intriduced, which are simple to create and can be used by anyone.


My Synthweaver is collecting all of the orange schematics - it's a little sub-quest I've created for myself and it's my intention that she will be able to create any orange item int he game that can be crafted by players.

But is there any real point? No.

The only item that really sell well are the low-level orange items. So new characters can get fully equipped in orange nice and early in the game and use it all the way to lvl50.

The high-end stuff can sell, but again only certain items, occasionally you find someone who wants a particular look, but not that often.


Under the guise of "adding great new crafting features" for Synthweavers and the like with the crazy implimentation of augmentation kits, they infact destroyed a whole percentage of the already pretty poor selling market.


There are many debatable points that you've brought up, and they're all interesting.


The introduction of Augmentation kits certainly rendered our crafting crits kind of useless. Our crit seems more like only to save the credits and resources to craft a kit.


If only they'd allow us to craft more orange pieces, the implementation of orange gloves, boots, belts, and bracers is a nice relief, but not enough. (They also have the wrong model and color themes, intentional or not)

Edited by LaniAkavir
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Never thought of that could be the reason why they're cutting us out on customizable orange schematics..


But something still needs to be done, us apparel crafters need more attention and market.


It's quite likely the same reason orange world drop rates were nerfed in 1.4 too.

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I've seen the thread, well done on gathering all those pictures. I shall post some of the trooper ones once I've gathered some of the said advertised but never seen in-game armors.




Never thought of that could be the reason why they're cutting us out on customizable orange schematics..


But something still needs to be done, us apparel crafters need more attention and market.




There are many debatable points that you've brought up, and they're all interesting.


The introduction of Augmentation kits certainly rendered our crafting crits kind of useless. Our crit seems more like only to save the credits and resources to craft a kit.


If only they'd allow us to craft more orange pieces, the implementation of orange gloves, boots, belts, and bracers is a nice relief, but not enough. (They also have the wrong model and color themes, intentional or not)


There are still some missing schematics in the game, as far as I can tell. Now I know there will always be some schematics that will be rarer than others. The waist and wrist ones are not all easy to find and sometimes are advertised at silly money. One example of a missing schematic (I'm 99% sure of) is:


Resilient Polyplast Boots


I'm only assuming as I've never seen them. I've had two people in general chat ask if anyone around could make some, with no answers and chatting with other Synthweavers they have never seen either.

I also believe Reinfoced Lacqerous is a set we should be able to make, however all of those scematics appear missing.

I have a (geek alert) Excel spreadsheet keeping track of learnt and missing scematics. There are a few on there I'm pretty sure don't exist.


It's little things like this, missing schematics and the removal if use of 99% of scematics that do exist usefulness which makes me feel BW aren't really that interested in the crafting side of things.

We ar elucky to an extent. High level stuff has it's set bonus based on armouring pieces, so people can buy an orange set from us and put the bits in - however not that many people want "player craft" sets.


As a follow-up to my augment kit issues I mentioned earlier.

When it was first announced I was given the impressin that only Reverse Engineering a critically crafted piece would give you the component.

So for example, I make 20 lvl47 gloves. Out of those 20 maybe 4 of those are crit crafted?

So when I RE all 20 gloves I'd get just 4 components towards the number I require to make the augemtation kit.

Now in this situation augmentation kits would be more difficult to make, so there would be less of them about.

Now if they also made the kits only useable by synthweavers. Before the "unfair" posts come in, I'll go on.

So now only synthweavers can use the kits that can be created only from RE'ing a crit craft item. We can then make an organe item, add in an augment slot and sell the item.

WOW, suddenly our craft is useful. It's still not easy to get augmentated items, we still need to make a lot of items just to make the kit and pay again to install the kit, but at least the synthweavers would have a purpose!


But......I strongly believe crafting was an after-thought in the game. Any attempts to "reign-in" crafting so that for example only synth weavers could create augmented force user armour or only armour can produce augmented non-force armour sets would be shouted down by the general populace who all want to be self-sufficient.

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