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Video done for fun and learning


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Hello everyone!

Yesterday i posted this video on the pvp forums and hoped for some good hints and feedback but keeping a thread alive in the pvp forums is not exactly easy.


So i decided to come to the real pros of this class wich would be right here, so here it is and i would really appreciate some tips on how to improve my playstyle for sorc or tips on specs that works or does not work.


Its lowbie pvp, just rank 26 in the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnA7iMOhxL4&feature=youtu.be&fmt=22

I am using a madness spec up to the wrath proc so far.


Kind Regards, Watcher of the Tomb of Freedon Naad server.

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I just saw your post.

I am also a Madness Sorc and LOVE it. Truly if done right we are unstopable. It involves a LOT of kiting (my weakness) and a lot of team work and coordination.

I am not sure if you are asking for opinions and suggestions on the video or your playing during the video. I am no expert but I have been Madness for most of the game (I was closed beta).

If for Game Play, you seemed to be doing fine. You were kitting and you were dealing damage. Also you were very aware of your surroundings from what I saw also. My one critique is to deal MORE damage, meaning that you were doing good support but you might want to look into really focusing on a target until they're dead. Just my opinion.

If for the Video itself, I like how the song you chose was not imposing and without lyrics. It was clear and of good quality however I am no professional video editor, lol.

Keep it up, and just wait until 50. It will be a whole new ball game.

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Going to agree with the guy above. Try to really put out that dps on those targets, may not be the best when compared to other classes, but you can make people hurt if done right. Make sure you keep on those Wrath Procs for Crushing Darkness and when that is in CD, use it for Lightning Strike. Are you going full Madness? When I have done dps for my Sorc I have found the Lighting/ Madness hybrid pretty effective, but it's really up to what suits you. And yeah... just wait for lvl 50 pvp, that's a whole new ball game. I knew it was going to be brutal, but man it kicked my butt for a while(still occasionally does :rolleyes:). Don't worry though, just prep correctly and you'll still have fun. :D
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