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Is Seethe Borked?


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I never liked seethe to begin with. While the animation is cool with the pacing back and forth I always felt we got hosed by not being able to see the map clearly while healing yourself. The problem I have noticed after 1.4 is that now the pacing will break your seethe as a movement, I thought maybe I had a DOT on me or something but after paying attention I never had any ability applied at all. This can get really annoying if you are on uneven terrain and seethe gets broken almost as fast as you apply it.


Anyone else noticing this or has it been complained about the the devs and I just missed searching for the correct topic?

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I believe this is an artifact of them fixing Seethe. Previously, if you managed to seethe your way off a ledge, you would land, still seething, at the bottom of the distance completely unscathed. You could therefore use Seethe to avoid falling damage or death. So to fix it, they made it so that Seethe breaks for any movement, including pacing over uneven terrain.
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Would rather have the meditation animation as well. But IIRC, BioWare made seethe the animation it is because its the same pacing Darth Maul did in episode 1, and Inquisitors are based off of him and Sidious. I'm guessing since Sidious never showed any type of after combat recuperation, they went with Maul's. So they probably won't change it anytime soon. (Maybe a Meditate recuperation animation for dark side users through the Cartel Store? Just like Chiss and Mirialan social skills)
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The animation for Seethe is unneeded and it can get you killed, if you fall and land on a precarious spot it is far to easy to "seethe" right off the spot you land on and die.


This happened to me many times gathering the unusual eggs in Alderaan. I jumped down, hit seethe to heal and it walked me right off my perch and a fall to my death multiple times.


I hate the animation and I hate the pacing. Just make us stand in place and seethe.


Oh, and yes I've noticed Seethe breaking itself because of the movement of the animation. Needs to be fixed.

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Seethe is the best recoup in the game.


If you want to meditate, like a sissy, go play the mirror. Else ****.


Please save your QQ for something important.


Sounds to me like you are nothing but a troll. If you actually read the thread the complaint is that seethe breaks too easily now for no reason. So save your own QQ for something less important like WoW comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This has an Easy fix too, just give us the NPC's Meditation (similar to Knights but purple and still has the Darkside red color body)


I would rather have this as well, at least you can read the map while you are healing up.


Would rather have the meditation animation as well. But IIRC, BioWare made seethe the animation it is because its the same pacing Darth Maul did in episode 1, and Inquisitors are based off of him and Sidious. I'm guessing since Sidious never showed any type of after combat recuperation, they went with Maul's. So they probably won't change it anytime soon. (Maybe a Meditate recuperation animation for dark side users through the Cartel Store? Just like Chiss and Mirialan social skills)


The animation for Seethe is unneeded and it can get you killed, if you fall and land on a precarious spot it is far to easy to "seethe" right off the spot you land on and die.


I hate the animation and I hate the pacing. Just make us stand in place and seethe.




Sounds to me like you are nothing but a troll. If you actually read the thread the complaint is that seethe breaks too easily now for no reason. So save your own QQ for something less important like WoW comments.



hrm? what was you saying?

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Another one of the reasons I prefer Huttball -- everything is flat and I can Seethe anywhere! ;)


Seriously, they need to fix this ****. It's bad design to have to waste time as the match goes on, and you try to find a spot on uneven terrain where Seethe will work for 10 seconds.

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I think that the main gripe is that due to the pacing:

  1. If you bump into an object Seethe stops.
  2. If you're on a narrow ledge or near an edge you'll step off the edge and possibly die.
  3. If you're on uneven terrain Seethe may stop as you pace up or down a slope.


Point 1 is a pain when you're hiding from enemy NPCs.

Point 2 is a pain when hunting quest items or datacrons and you've had to fall onto ledges or pipes.

Edited by SleepyJoeFriday
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I have no idea what you guys are talking about with Seethe.


I have 0 problems with it at all, particularly like the animation.


And evidently you guys are idiots too because you don't know how to turn map fade while moving off.


Some people like map fade when questing, so either my seeth is going to be a pain, or getting place's is going to be a pain...i'd rather not have to choose...I don't get why people are calling name's and seemingly getting mad over suggestions...that's all they are... suggestions, more specifically to change the animations OR fix the animation issue's.

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I have no idea what you guys are talking about with Seethe.


I have 0 problems with it at all, particularly like the animation.


And evidently you guys are idiots too because you don't know how to turn map fade while moving off.


You're a complete and utter terrible terrible little troll. I haven't played my Assassin in months or my other Inquisitor characters, but just started a new Sorcerer today. What I have noticed is that Seethe is totally broken and needs to be fixed ASAP. If I noticed that it breaks constantly just on the starter planet from 1-10 and you haven't noticed anything, you're either the most pathetic troll in the world or the most oblivious ignorant non-Inquisitor playing player ever. Just please never post here again and cancel your sub. Same goes for that other troll who posted in here earlier.

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Well if you play a Rattataki, Chiss or Mirialan inq you can use their social abilities to recuperate.


Can't speak for the other races, but the Rattataki one is broken in a way too as DOTs still interrupt it (all the main class out of combat heal skills were changed quite some time ago to not be interrupted by DOTs anymore).

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Yes, it is totally borked. My seethe breaks all the time.


It's a real nuisance and should be a priority bug fix.


If it can't be fixed due to movement exploits off cliffs, at least just give us the option to do a dark (red glow) meditate animation instead, like the Empire PVP vendor on fleet.

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