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What is Revan doing now ?


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Surviving via a darkside ritual goes against the character's arc of redemption and is thus an unlikely outcome. Sure, it's possible, but it represents poor story-telling and is highly unlikely.


As a matter of fact the moments before disappearing he tries to burn you with storms of force lightnings. It's hardly a light side reaction to the party being in his foundry...

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(1 ton heavy huge spoiler about jedi knight story)



he is aving a chat with orgus din in the netherworld of the force,because he is dead


There is no death, there is only the Force.


The cartel shop relics are a pretty good indicator that they won't be bringing him back unfortunately. I kind of like Revan, so I would have loved for him to play a bigger part. But at least my republic characters got to meet him :)

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