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Could HK have made the difference


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I've been wondering this for some time now: if hk had been with Revan, Meetra, t3 and scourge when they went to assassinate the emperor, would they have succeeded?


I think so. When I read the book, it seemed to me that the emperor was really unobservant of his opponents. the emperor only seemed to notice Revan when the allies entered the throne room, despite the fact that Meetra and scourge were just a few feet away fighting the imperial guards. he only seemed to notice them when they struck at him directly. Knowing hk, I think the assassin droid would have either shot the emperor in the head or at least wounded the emperor enough so Revan or one of the others could deal the final blow.


What do you think?

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I definately think HK should have gone with meetra and T3. If he had, the fight would have gone rather differently i think.


As The emperor unleashed the first volley of lightning at Revan, HK would've seen an opening, expertly aiming and firing his rifle, the shot would have blasted the emperor in the head, either instantly killng him or knocking him down. If the latter he would then be at the mercy of Revan's force attacks, combined with heavy firepower from HK would give the emperor no chance to defeat them.

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I think we are all forgetting about Scourge in this matter. The fate of Revan's journey was already decided. I think Hk's presence would have made a difference, but the overall outcome would have been the same. My opinion of course.
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I'm thinking probably not...


One blast of lightning blew T3 apart. Now who would you be most likely to shoot first, the big droid with the rifle, or the small droid with no obvious weaponry? The Emperor only paid T3 any attention when he found out the droid had a weapon, so it seems likely that HK, who would have an obvious weapon ready to use would have drawn his ire almost immediately. It is possible that his inclusion would have given the Emperor too many things he had to take care of all at once (which, incidentally, might have led to a different vision for Scourge...), but I think it most likely the only likely additional result would be that HK died too. I have often pondered this.



That said, Revan's problem was the Emperor was a Flashpoint, and he could only get two other people to help him, so he brought a companion. :D

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I definately think HK should have gone with meetra and T3. If he had, the fight would have gone rather differently i think.


As The emperor unleashed the first volley of lightning at Revan, HK would've seen an opening, expertly aiming and firing his rifle, the shot would have blasted the emperor in the head, either instantly killng him or knocking him down. If the latter he would then be at the mercy of Revan's force attacks, combined with heavy firepower from HK would give the emperor no chance to defeat them.


Do you really believe that the Emperor, one of the most powerful beings not only in the galaxy but in the whole history of SW, wont be able to handle a rifle shot from HK? Do you really think that he could not have blocked it using the force or simply dodged it? I think HK would have been able to maybe wound Scourge mortally after he betrayed them, or maybe help Revan wound the Emperor, but he would not have been enough to change the outcome. In the end Scourge would still have betrayed them and the Emperor would still have been victorious.


Now if Scourge didnt betray them and if HK was there, then I would say that Revan would've had a real chance of beating the Emperor.

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