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Darth Seihk - The Nightmare of Hoth


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The Nightmare of Hoth

Imperial side- Teaser


The Dull howling whistle sound could be heard even through the damned helmets, all the while bitter cold wind pounded Soldiers of the Imperial 428th. We marched Lord Seihk him self through the ice of Hoth. This time- The 428th was attacking a Republic Outpost, as I udnerstand it Imperial command labeled this operation suicide. That was until Lord Seihk Broke the nceck of Captain Hoffway for cowardice. The New acting Captain, had no objections. we where sent out into the middle of a storm- on the Night side of Hoth dispatched by request of Lord Seihk. There was Zero Visibility, even on the day side- Hoth storms are Violent and throw driving snow at painful speeds.. With out the heated armor, no human or humanoid could survive in such a place. Even than, the Driving wind pierced the armor and every Solider was pushed to the limit of their endurance.- But No one would expect an Attack to come from the Flank of a Storm on Hoth-. In defiance, of this entire damned world he dawned the same armor as us- common soldiers.. carrying only his Light saber- he wore no special gear and marched beside us grunts the whole 40 clicks. We where his tools, he explained to us. For the emperor and the empire we would serve as tools for the imperial Victory. Lord Seihk was a sight to be seen- being Sith aside, his very presence was intimidating yet awe inspiring... even on Hoth... even when we needed half of our strength to keep from being blown over by the wind. We all knew, those who fell behind, stayed behind.


An than- we came up on the Republic out post- Fresh out of the storm- While the cowardly republicans where still huddled from the cold in their base- We over ran their forward out looks. Lord Seihk him self lead the charge, blaster in one hand and Light saber in the other.. Blasting and cutting men in half before they could even react. I still remember the terror on their faces as he cut them down... It was glorious. We ran forward, firing at the republicans as we came, than we ran smack into the repeater cannons. They had caught us by surprise! Man after man fell, burning with holes in their corpses into the snow as we pushed the attack and once more Lord Seihk lead the charge. He reached out with his rage- so powerful you could feel it and Broke the supports on the repeater torrents one by one and sent them crashing into the cursed ice-each with a horrible cracking of the hull and a long mighty groan as they fell. Never have I felt so alive as when I put blaster rounds to the faces of young Republic recruits.. Never have I felt so alive as when I watched in excited horror as Lord Seihk bring down entire building on top of the damn republicans- burying them alive in a freezing tomb. We took the Out post 362 from the Republicans and we burned it to the ground. And the prize for surviving the battle? Imperial Command sent shuttles for Evac. We survived, so we din't have to walk 40 clicks in the snow to get back. OORAH.


>> [Personal report] Sargent Boyer: Imperial 428th on Hoth.

Edited by NemesisStar
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