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"Guard" ability question


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Wanted to confirm an ability feature with my fellow vanguards. The guard ability has three benefits. The last being 50% damage transferred from "guarded" to the vanguard. But the damage must be coming from a "player" which I am assuming is only valid in pvp.Can anyone confirm please?


Also was having a bug with "guard" deactivating off of a friendly target. Then when trying to reapply the buff, message received is "player is already guarded". Anyone else get this bug and find a quick work around that does not involve relogging or loading into new zone?


Thank you.

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You cant ping-pong aggro between tanks with Guard, simply because if i do Guard on a tank, he cant guard me back.


Also if he put guard on another member, i cant put guard on him.



Are you sure guard damage transfer doesnt work always, regardless?

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Guard damage works in PvE I believe. I have absorbed damage from a healer in flashpoints and I have absorbed from my companion while questing. The key is that at any point you can either have guard on someone or being guarded by someone. You cannot "double guard".


You can have an off-tank guard a main tank and be a sacrificial lamb (helping minimize crit damage) but you then have two people the healer(s) will have to heal (unless you just let the off-tank die in which case they have successfully played the role of a sacrificial healer). That could be a successful strategy in PvE if you have undergeared tanks and have an abundance of DPS available.

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Guard damage works in PvE I believe. I have absorbed damage from a healer in flashpoints and I have absorbed from my companion while questing. The key is that at any point you can either have guard on someone or being guarded by someone. You cannot "double guard".


You can have an off-tank guard a main tank and be a sacrificial lamb (helping minimize crit damage) but you then have two people the healer(s) will have to heal (unless you just let the off-tank die in which case they have successfully played the role of a sacrificial healer). That could be a successful strategy in PvE if you have undergeared tanks and have an abundance of DPS available.


You beleive...if you have not tested it then please do not encourage misinformation. Guard damage transfer does not work in PVE...tested and confirmed it is PVP specific.

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