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..all my troubles ..:)


but actually It was soo funny to play Warzones.

In one NC instance we were sent into field with only 3 people in the team.

No, we did not win :)

That was VERY quick game.

How come the system allows such thing?


In another, (also NC) I was thrown into mid of the fight (like it seemed it re-filled the gap) and my team had one node capped, but the result was 100% on our side. We actually could not even get through the gate, we were still "winning" and the Warzone notified us that it will automatically shut down after 30 seconds, that actually lasted at least 10 minutes or even longer, i do not know, because i finally quit the game.


Anyone had more of those funny "features" ?


Not to mention the permanent bug with Huttball where the UI shows that you belong to Rotworms while you actually play with Frog-dogs or vice versa.


I guess, bug like that should not happen, really, not in such big game as SWTOR.


Still, I am not that much bothered because WZ are only a "momentary lapse of reason" for me. Missions and operations and FP - those are the features I spend most time in.

Edited by Przemo_No
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n one NC instance we were sent into field with only 3 people in the team.


Was that you!? :) Was on the other side of a game just like that last night. I've lost track of my server name, since they moved us all around... something of the 5 I think. On the Repub side, and we were all wondering where the imps went. Turned out there were only like 2 or 3 of them. They kept getting enough people joining in to abort the auto-shutdown, only to have those people quit and trigger another auto-shutdown-countdown. I felt kinda sorry for them... kinda. :)

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well the 3 persons in the warzone can happen if you play at a time of day when there is a very low pool of pvp people to draw from.


Example: 8 Empire, 13 Rep in queue. The server decides to launch a game as there are 21 people total in queue.

8 Empire and 8 Rep get the call.

Out of the 8 Empire, there is a premade group of 4 that suddenly decide to go into a flashpoint instead. Another lone girl is a home mom and her baby is suddenly crying, so she goes afk and does not enter the warzone.


So now you're 3 against 8, with 5 Rep still waiting in queue claiming queues take forever...

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I had a bugged instance yesterday. Alderaan was sitting at 590:600 and there was no imperial inside the instance. Pubs kept joining and leaving, because everytime you would solo queue for a wz one would get that bugged instance.

Really annyoing bug.

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Was that you!? :) Was on the other side of a game just like that last night. I've lost track of my server name, since they moved us all around... something of the 5 I think. On the Repub side, and we were all wondering where the imps went. Turned out there were only like 2 or 3 of them. They kept getting enough people joining in to abort the auto-shutdown, only to have those people quit and trigger another auto-shutdown-countdown. I felt kinda sorry for them... kinda. :)


Nope, not in this case.

I was on Republic side too. We went into South node and Imps literally cut me into pieces. It was like 10 seconds :)

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well the 3 persons in the warzone can happen if you play at a time of day when there is a very low pool of pvp people to draw from.




So now you're 3 against 8, with 5 Rep still waiting in queue claiming queues take forever...


I was actually playing it a 23:30 CEST - there were around 200 ppl on the fleet, so no issue with population.

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I was actually playing it a 23:30 CEST - there were around 200 ppl on the fleet, so no issue with population.


Ditto for the one I described. Was about 7:30 PM EST, hundreds of people on the fleet. I doubt the imperial side only had 10. :)

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In another, (also NC) I was thrown into mid of the fight (like it seemed it re-filled the gap) and my team had one node capped, but the result was 100% on our side. We actually could not even get through the gate, we were still "winning" and the Warzone notified us that it will automatically shut down after 30 seconds, that actually lasted at least 10 minutes or even longer, i do not know, because i finally quit the game.



It wasn't yesterday (it was several weeks ago,) but we had a NC like that Imperial side on The Shadowlands. We won, but the warzone refused to end. It was Imp vs. Imp, so basically no one @ 50 could queue for an hour+ because everyone that queued Imp side kept cycling in and out of that same never-ending WZ.

Edited by Gnoblesse
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The reason you had 3 people on your team is the drop queue bug. If the queue pops for you and you decline it, your spot is reserved in the warzone. No one will backfill it.


This sounds like a whole premade declined the queue for whatever reason. Sorry, I bet it was annoying. I was in a 3-person premade last night and we declined the queue because a fourth buddy logged in right when it popped. I felt somewhat guilty for the poor slobs in that warzone, but it's Bioware's fault.

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