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Lunchboxes vs Windu (PVP)


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The developers spent months and months analyzing this scene. As a result we have luncboxes on our backs instead of jetpacks and we are unable to adjust when melee engage us in PVP.



Its absolutely atrocious and unacceptable. Keep in mind my Mercenary does great damage in warzones, i get #1 and #2 on the charts usually, but the GAMEPLAY experience is the problem here.


A youtube video is worth a 1000 words.


The link below is a real fight scene and what the Mercenary should feel like in PVP. His mobility is awesome, though extreme due to cinematic purposes. JANGO IS A MERCENARY he uses 2 pistols here. Its hot just like that Hansel, but in the game you feel like the 1st link.



When playing a mercenary you should feel like Jango vs Obi-Won, not Luncbox vs Windu. Help us BioWare, your our only hope (x3).


Consider giving Mercenaries a new ABILITY that gives us some MOBILITY.

No jetpack for the Mercenary is like the Sith Warrior not having Force Choke.

This link delves into the details of 2 possible abilities that could be given to our PvE class.




If you don't want to nerf Marauders and Juggernaughts (Rage mainly), then give us a jetpack!


Elite Warlord Maliken

Level 97 Sith Juggernaught

The Shadowlands Server

Previously from the Correlian Run Server

Previously from Darth Bandon Server before Correlian Run Server.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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Mate im in the same boat, i LOVE my Merc arsenal and most of all im good at it. losing the knock back has really let me down.


What amazes me is the outcry from the public about not changing, before testing during testing and now after more than ever.. BW needs to hire someone with half a brain when it comes to these changes.. who ever is in charge now its useless.

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