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Powertech Ranking in 1v1 (Post 1.4 PVP)


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I am rounding 40 on my Powertech...... I'll soon be able to transfer all my gear off of my beloved, but cruddy Merc as long as I don't lose focus on leveling!


However, as much as I enjoy the Powertech, since he's only 40 I'd like to ask you guys what you think the 1v1 viability of Powertech is in PVP? How would you rank it?


I don't want this to turn into an epeen contest, I just know with my Merc I could wreck face if no one noticed me hiding around a corner, but in any 1v1 situation I was pretty much dead if the other guy knew what he was doing.


So far I've been able to roll some bad players in 1v1 but we are talking about lowbie PVP. So how is it in post 50?

Assume equal gearing, and equal skill level for these questions:




- Is it viable to think of (post 1.4) Advanced Prototype to be a good 1v1 type of build for Powertech? Or should I assume all good DPS powertechs are just running Pyro spec?


- Are Pyrotechs good enough at holding their own that you can be on Node guard duty? Or even potentially take a node solo?


- And finally, - Does powertech have trouble with any particular classes? What class is always giving you trouble in those rare 1v1 moments? How do you think your level 50 Powertech fairs in solo killing?

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The good PT adapted as PT is still much well above average compare to other low class citizen class like DPS sorcs and Operatives and Mercs.


PT can 1v1 node guarding fine, but nothing node guard better than a Tankasin.


PT can run hutball very well if you know how to play it, but nothing is better than Jugg/Tankasins handling the ball.


Adapt to the changes, just like sorcs/mercs/operatives have, remember you all tried to convince them "Sorcs/Mercs/Ops are fine L2P" many of you were one of them I believe.


The good PTs are still pew pew, the bad ones tho... endless Que Que.

Edited by warultima
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As of 1.4, I'd actually recommend AP for 1v1s over Pyro; you get much greater survivability, and you won't get facerolled by Gunslingers/Snipers thanks to Hydraulic Overrides. (Which also answers your question of whether there are any difficult match-ups.)


Pyro's prolly better in an organized team, though, because lolburst.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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Thanks I've actually enjoyed the 'change' in playstyle with AP. I've had a 50 merc for a long time so I am very familiar with Pyro mechanics, (and how much funner it is as a powertech), however I'm a touch bored with it.


AP makes me feel like I do less burst, but I'm not sure about the extra survivability. (-30% aoe/ -DMG WHEN STUNNED doesn't feel that huge.) Burst in its own right is survivability.


I feel the 1v1 kings are still Assassin/Marauder/Ops. I just know as a Merc I felt at the bottom of that pile. I'm just hoping that every Marauder that hops in my face as a 50 Powertech isn't going to have such an easy time with me.


I can't say for sure right now as I'm not quite 50, but when I ding 50, I'll be transferring all my Merc Warhero over.

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