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Help with Augments


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Hey Guys, just wondering if i could have a bit of advice here


Want to buy some augments for my tank to fill the empty sockets, what should i go for


My stats are


Damage Reduction : 47.69%

Defense Chance 23.72%

Shield Chance 27.47%

Shield Absorption 41.35%


I have Rakata / Black Hole Gear. Some of my gear is already augmented with 18 endurance 12 power

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You need to get defense chance up to close to 30% first, then work on increasing shield to as close to 50% as you can.


While at it, look at re-itemizing some of your armor mods and enhancements to compliment this. Do'nt worry about lowering your health a bit to get more of these skills increased. They are much better thank health when min/maxxed.


Ultimatly with Campaign level gear min/maxxed you want 30% defense, 50% shield and 50% absorb.


Here is some advice if you are not already doing it, use the battlemaster relics that give shield and defense chance to move this along and augment them with 18 end/power, then work on modding the rest of your armor.

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honestly, i run with power/absorb on the augments. or shield rating. health isn't as critical as mitigation in this game. you don't want to starve yourself of endurance, but you get plenty on your gear. might as well add some extra damage(threat) and get those mitigation's you need. those are far more important then endurance. Endurance is what you add when you have everything else.


once your close enough to 30/50/50 then stack endurance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldnt recommend to use endurance augments unless you have unbuffed 28% def.50 shield/50absorb as if im being completely honest you are wasting good stats.


which is better to have a ever so slightly health pool and we are taking what like 270 HP per augment or not get hit at all/absorb a majority of the hit..


with what 12 augment slots available 12slots x 18end mod = 15 health = 3240 added health


average health pool is 23k 3240k/23k+100 = 14% increase in hp. what you are forgetting is that also 14% more healing your healers are going to have to do to get you topped off beause you didnt mitigate the damage.


you can get about alot of mitigation with 270 secondary stats. there is no best augment you just need to keep stacking augments until you get to the soft caps.


I would advise to stack absorb first (cheapest to stack) until 48-50% then stack shield , then stack defense.


The reason i advise this order is that you will be very spikey to heal if you do it the other way round by stacking defense first. Kephess for example hits like a truck in hard mode.


I hope this helps, I have cleared and main tanked all content on all difficulties and my healers find me very easy to heal compared especially to HP every builds/classes




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