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Post-1.4 Inf Parses


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Hi Folks,


I'm always looking to do my best so I'm interested in seeing some of the 1.4 parses from some top infiltration shadows so I can compare how I'm doing. Last night was my first time as inf since 1.4 so only got to play around on the dummy for a short while, but I had a crazy amount of extra force so was quite fun to play. Pre-1.4 I didn't see many good parses from other infiltration shadows, highest I ever got in a live environment was ~1400dps and on a dummy ~1300dps. I don't think I ever saw anyone beat me (though plenty claimed they had!) but I know I'm a long way from being the best!


So, my parse to get us started:


My Build: 5-33-3


This is as close to my pre-1.4 build as I could get. Its not one commonly used but I basically hate upheaval so don't spec for it.


My Parse: 1443 DPS


Parse was done fully buffed and stimmed using rakata adrenal. I know I can get higher than this as I hit max force quite a few times (thus wasting force) due to unexpected amounts of nice force. In a live environment I will get higher DPS on things like bonethrasher, karagga etc due to armour debuffs, inspiration and the ability to use our execute skill.


I also noticed a different issue: lack of skills. I found myself quite often spamming CS because everything else was on cooldown. The change to SS meant I had tons of force virtually all the time so I would regularly reach a point where FB was on CD, Project was on CD and I'd just used SS so that wasn't available, but I still had tons of force. I'd end up using 3 or 4 CS's instead of just 2. Its not much of an issue ofc, its still more damage than previously but my rotation basically felt empty at certain points.


My rotation:


1) Force Breach on cooldown

2) Spinning Strike on cooldown

3) Project (with 2 stacks)

4) Shadow Strike (with proc)

5) CS (if above 50 force)

6) Saber Strike


Hope to see some of your logs soon, always looking to better myself by learning from the community!

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if this is for PVE, i don't see the point of subduing techniques and/or humbling strike


and i find situational awareness very useful. basically every 45s you can hit blackout, and every 1.5m you can hit blackout along with force cloak / battle readiness / force potency all at once for a good chunk of burst


and of course every 3 min, all of this with an adrenal



i don't have any parses as i only DPS on my shadow for fun (in ops, he just tanks), but i was considering this build for when i do dailies and such and when i want to dabble in dps

his gear isn't the best, but i suppose i could post my stats and a parse later today if it's not too laggy on the fleet.



also, just curious why you don't like upheaval

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Agree, subdueing techniques and humbling strike are worthless for PvE, however im skint and lazy so don't like to respec too much between pve and pvp, so the build is multi-purpose.


Definitely interested in seeing your parse, no matter what the gear. During the 1.3 era I often asked for other people to post their parses but although most people would say "I've done better" they never posted their parses so couldn't verify it.


i'm also in the same boat: Generally, I tank in PvE. I'll be honest, I hate tanking, I find it dull and mind-numbingly easy (have tanked everything except TFB HM, though tanked boss 1 the other night). However, we have a tank shortage in guild so I have to do it. Thats why I am asking for parses for DPS inf shadows - I need experienced endgame infiltration shadows to prove that we can do high DPS and give me hope that I can improve. I hate not doing as much DPS as sentinels and I need encouragement that we can at least come close. I'm sure there is someone out there parsing 1600+ DPS and I'd love to see their logs so I can improve my own DPS.

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You may hate upheaval and I do understand where you are coming from with that, but on that note it is a great ability to have when it comes to using project because when it does proc it is extra dmg. So if you can find a way to cut down somewhere else and get points into it, it is definitely worth it in my opinion because all it will do is add extra dmg which adds more dps (sorry I do not have parses mainly because my shadow isn't fully geared up yet but I will try to get them asap). I also think even in pvp humbling strike is still kind of worthless. I say this because merely once the target gets up from a spinning kick you can put force slow on them even though it is 25% less of a movement impairing effect it still gives you another point to put in something else like vigor which gives more force which in the end allows you to use more abilities before going to saber strike (if low). Or putting it into Exit strategy the faster you get 5 stacks of it the better off your Force Breach will be.
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Agree, subdueing techniques and humbling strike are worthless for PvE, however im skint and lazy so don't like to respec too much between pve and pvp, so the build is multi-purpose.


haha i understand this all too well




anyway here's my stats for DPS (i know it's ideal ie: way too much crit, but as i said, i mainly tank, so my dps gear is not a priority)


stats (fully buffed with rakata willpower stim)

damage pri: 779-963

bonus damage: 668.1

accuracy: 109.91%

crit chance: 38.91%

crit multiplier: 72.78%


just did a 5min parse: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/bce29182-f3d8-4bba-9862-1c7125a946ff/player/1#d=0,t=2,b=1

and got 322346 total damage which equates to ~1,074 DPS


my basic priority system was

shadow strike if find weakness was about to end

force breach on CD

clairvoyant strike

project after 2 clairvoyant strikes

saber strike when out of force


every 45s i'd use blackout to help regen force

every 1.5m blackout, battle readiness, force potency

i forgot to use force cloak until the second round of blackout / battle readiness / force potency, but i doubt it would have made much of a difference in dps

i didn't use any adrenals

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You may hate upheaval and I do understand where you are coming from with that, but on that note it is a great ability to have when it comes to using project because when it does proc it is extra dmg. So if you can find a way to cut down somewhere else and get points into it, it is definitely worth it in my opinion because all it will do is add extra dmg which adds more dps


I will definitely respec and test upheaval again because I haven't done so in a long time. I must admit I struggled with finding a decent spec, I had points to spare that I didn't know how to spend.


My choice in the past came down to upheaval versus armour pen + cs damage. In the past, I found that the damage was roughly the same for both routes and so I went the armour pen route as it suited my playstyle. however, with the reworking of the inf tree I basically specced how I normally would and ended up with 2 points spare that I normally wouldn't have. I ended up putting them in shadowy veil.


I might try this spec next, giving me upheaval but dropping CS damage. Should work OK as long as I can get disciplined enough to not use project before FB :p

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I have played a DPS Infiltration shadow since Pre-Order... Master Raideroth. On a 5-33-3 build in full augmented campaign gear I parsed 1277 on the Operations Dummy.


I have respecced to a 3-31-7 to get upheaval and am replacing a War Hero relic I was using (+113 power!) for my 3 red shard matrix cube. I am also going to build myself a moddable belt and bracers because I can pick up an extra 80 Willpower from doing this alone, plus 60 from my new matrix cube. I expect to parse around 1350 with all these changes on the dummy.


I like infiltration because of its versatility in pvp which I do pretty much all the time when not raiding. Upheaval can be really nice in pvp when you crit the buffed project... essentially my burst dps has gone up thanks to my respec.

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Hey! I won't be using shadow terms, since I'm an assassin. Here's a quick parse of 1530 dps. Not quite the 1600+ you're looking for, but I'm sure someone out there can do it. Before 1.4, my dps was around 1400. The latest patch was a pretty nice boost to our dps, but 1530 doesn't even compare to my mercenary or sentinel's constant 1800 - 1900 parses, or even the occasional 1700 I get with madness on my sin.


My gear looks like this.

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Hey! I won't be using shadow terms, since I'm an assassin. Here's a quick parse of 1530 dps. Not quite the 1600+ you're looking for, but I'm sure someone out there can do it. Before 1.4, my dps was around 1400. The latest patch was a pretty nice boost to our dps, but 1530 doesn't even compare to my mercenary or sentinel's constant 1800 - 1900 parses, or even the occasional 1700 I get with madness on my sin.


My gear looks like this.


Amazing! I will definitely have to get a new parse with my respec for upheaval and hopefully i can get into those #'s. Perhaps the game is biased towards Imperial still.. the delay on project used to slay us compared to you Imp guys shock in pvp!!!

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I might try this spec next, giving me upheaval but dropping CS damage. Should work OK as long as I can get disciplined enough to not use project before FB :p


Have to ask why spec into tech mastery vs the talent that increases your CS damage?

With so much of our damage coming from CS wouldn't we ant to be increasing it over the minimal gains from Arp?


I'll go give it a rough test later when home from work to be sure.

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Have to ask why spec into tech mastery vs the talent that increases your CS damage?

With so much of our damage coming from CS wouldn't we ant to be increasing it over the minimal gains from Arp?


I'll go give it a rough test later when home from work to be sure.


Its not something I've tested tbh as I normally have both, but again, because I want a multi-purpose build for both pve and pvp I prefer to go Armour Pen so that my shadow strikes and spinning strikes are as big as possible so I can burst other players down quicker.


I expect both talents give fairly minimal damage increases but will be interested to see the results of your testing.



Also, really good to see the parses of some other shadows / assassins in the 1500s. Looking at your parses, it seems like your rotation is basically the same as what I'm using, you just seem to use saber strike less than me which, combined with upheaval, is probably why you're getting higher DPS than myself. Looking forwards to trying out DPS in a live environment :D

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Hey! I won't be using shadow terms, since I'm an assassin. Here's a quick parse of 1530 dps. Not quite the 1600+ you're looking for, but I'm sure someone out there can do it. Before 1.4, my dps was around 1400. The latest patch was a pretty nice boost to our dps, but 1530 doesn't even compare to my mercenary or sentinel's constant 1800 - 1900 parses, or even the occasional 1700 I get with madness on my sin.


My gear looks like this.


Did a quick one a few days back with this build.



Managed 1540 dps.


What buffs did you guys have?

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They probably had full raid buffs and were using Rakata Willpower stims. The issue is their parses are skewed due to the use of Rakata Attack Adrenals. This usually gives about a 100-150 dps boost to parses, so take them with a grain of salt. I'm very interested in seeing what Shadows can do and I'm still convinced they can do fairly decent amount of damage, but please if you're going to parse, do not use adrenals. It gives a better baseline comparison to other classes and other people that do not have biochem. Anyway, great numbers, more than I've seen out of most Shadows/Assassins!
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Hey! I won't be using shadow terms, since I'm an assassin. Here's a quick parse of 1530 dps. Not quite the 1600+ you're looking for, but I'm sure someone out there can do it. Before 1.4, my dps was around 1400. The latest patch was a pretty nice boost to our dps, but 1530 doesn't even compare to my mercenary or sentinel's constant 1800 - 1900 parses, or even the occasional 1700 I get with madness on my sin.


My gear looks like this.


What sentinel is parsing 1800-1900 over a 5 minute fight without armor debuff? Youre comparing apples to oranges most likely. I can parse 2k if its onl 90 seconds =P No sentinel is parsing 1800-1900 over 300 seconds, on a dummy.


On our 16M HM Dread Guards kill last night, I was second in overall damage to one of our watchmen sentinels and trailed him by only ~10k overall damage. I was one of the only mellee dps to take less than 100k damage.

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Operations Training Dummy - No buffs (not even consular buff), no click relic, no stim, no adrenal 1333 dps


This same fight parsed 1351 in Mox with a manual stop, a few seconds shorter.


Operations Training Dummy - Consular buff, rakata resolve stim, no click relic, no adrenal 1518 dps


Same parse in Mox (manual stop. mrrobot looks like it dragged on a few extra seconds.) 1545 dps


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What buffs did you guys have?


I was fully raid buffed with a prototype willpower stim. No adrenals



What sentinel is parsing 1800-1900 over a 5 minute fight without armor debuff? Youre comparing apples to oranges most likely. I can parse 2k if its onl 90 seconds =P No sentinel is parsing 1800-1900 over 300 seconds, on a dummy.


On our 16M HM Dread Guards kill last night, I finished second in overall damage to one of our watchmen sentinels and trailed him by ~10k overall damage. And was one of the only mellee dps to take less than 100k damage.


Here is my own sentinel, took this a few weeks ago. 1882 dps.


Here is a parse that's posted on the sentinel subforums of 1991 dps.

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I was fully raid buffed with a prototype willpower stim. No adrenals





Here is my own sentinel, took this a few weeks ago. 1882 dps.


Here is a parse that's posted on the sentinel subforums of 1991 dps.


Are you getting it armor debuffed for you? Log makes it look like youre on someone elses ship


EDIT: Im referring to the one you posted from the sub-forum, not yours.

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They probably had full raid buffs and were using Rakata Willpower stims. The issue is their parses are skewed due to the use of Rakata Attack Adrenals. This usually gives about a 100-150 dps boost to parses, so take them with a grain of salt. I'm very interested in seeing what Shadows can do and I'm still convinced they can do fairly decent amount of damage, but please if you're going to parse, do not use adrenals. It gives a better baseline comparison to other classes and other people that do not have biochem. Anyway, great numbers, more than I've seen out of most Shadows/Assassins!




I don't see the point of gimping yourself. The whole point of parsing and practicing on ops dummies is to prepare yourself for real raids. In a real raid, I'm going to be fully buffed, fully stimmed and using adrenals. If I dont use buffs / stims / adrenals in a parse, then all I can really do is compare my rotation to other rotations by myself. Thats fine, but I'm really aiming for max DPS here. If I could get some mates to come give me inspiration and armour debuffs then I'd do that too so that i can get the truest representation of my maximum potential DPS, but thats not practical.

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I have no idea. But I don't think so. There are a bunch of 1900 parses in the thread.


Ah - just thought of something. All those parses have 2 inspirations popped too. Skews the numbers dramatically. Need to baseline without inspiration or else the comparison isnt fair.

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I've managed a few Infiltration parses using upheaval around 1548 for about 14 minutes.

Build 2-31-8 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bZfuMRkfbRroZf0c.2

Parse http://www.torparse.com/a/28570

Never really found myself having any force issues. Always maintained around 20-50 force. Popped blackout and cloak on cooldown as that's about when I found myself just starting to hit the point where I felt force starved.

All buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. No debuffs and no outside help.


Same build, swapped out 1 surge/power enhancement for a power/accuracy to get my accuracy close to 100% on the character sheet and my dps dropped by 20 points.


I've managed to do 1623 for over 15 minutes as Balance

Build 7-3-31 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bc0MZcZfMfRr0krfz.2

Parse http://www.torparse.com/a/28601

Again never found myself force starved as long as I managed to weave in saber strike a few times every now and then while stuff was on cooldown. Also was refreshing FB and SF as they were expiring or about to expire.

All buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. No debuffs and no outside help.


Current gear...

Balance- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/3ad27e76-4305-4dde-bc35-c54201889c2d

Infiltration- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/3ad27e76-4305-4dde-bc35-c54201889c2d

Essentially i swap out 1 enhancement in my gloves for more accuracy.

In both specs my force bonus damage is over 1k fully stimmed/buffed no adrenal.

And yes I'm aware my offhand is still blackhole. Haven't made it back into ECHM to get the offhand and I haven't gotten the offhand from TfB yet.


Tempted to swap out even more accuracy as balance with my ear and get some more crit/surge rofl. going to see how that goes.


Basic gist is this... the majority of the fights in this game require switching a lot or periods of high burst. Infiltration does excel in this regard and you don't have to watch dot timers nor have to have issues with other Balance spec consulars in the raid. However, if you can maintain the dots, as you switch from 1 target to the next or back out and go back in, balance in theory should still continue to parse higher because of less dps downtime and the ability to tag multiple targets if necessary. And the need for less accuracy as Balance should allow you to stack more desirable damage gear pieces, mods, and enhancements. Accuracy seems to be non-essential to force based attacks as my project, dots FiB have never missed... ever.

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kept my balance gear and went 2-31-8


parse 1596 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/28966

full buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. no debuffs

full buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. with armor debuff (guardian)

parse 1671 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/28986


changed to 2-31-8


parse 1591 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/28979

full buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. no debuffs

full buffs, exotech resolve stim, rakata adrenal. with armor debuff (guardian)

parse 1635 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/28984


moral of the story... armor pen build is still better with upheaval build rather than 2/2 boost to claravoyant strike. even with armor debuff. Oh and accuracy doesn't mean crap for us really. I dropped accuracy and am now 96.7% melee and I gained even more dps.

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Last night I was stoked. Parsed 1330 on HM Firebrand and Stormcaller.


Sounds low I know, but at the end of the fight I had done 494,023 total damage. Our raid parse was synced for all the dps, I pulled 27% of the dps, followed by our 2 full campaign commandos at 25% each, followed by our full campaign gunslinger at 19% and lastly the tanks at 2% each. THese are guys who parse 1500-1600 on the operations dummy.


I am on a 3-31-7 build ( I opted for 9% armor penetration but only have a 30% chance on upheaval not 45%)


Also, I was #2 dps on Toth and Zorn with a actual raid dps of 1250. One of the commandos beat me by 2% on those guys...


On the operations dummy I am pulling 1400, but thats likely to go up as I just got my Elite WH Saber. And yes I took that saber into HM EC with me in favor of my campaign saber :)


I have a theory that infiltration shadows will typically perform better in actual raids and will always seem low on the dummy compared to other classes. More real raid tests to come as we go for Vorgath and Kephess later this week. (My group has killed Kephess once before already)

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