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Not sure whats going on but...


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Focus/Rage is insane, not sure they bw thought they needed a buff. Before you say I'm QQing, I play a focus spec guardian, so its not like I'm getting ***** by one, I am one. Its ridiculous the amount of dmg we can put out now. I personally dont like it. It takes the fun out of the game and I see way more focus guards now than I did before.


Now this will sound like QQ and I think it is a bit, but the same can be said for vans/pt's, I mean, I also have tank gear for my guardian and will sometimes go 16/23/2 hybrid to help tank for rwz or regs and its a pretty hardy build with full WH tank gear and fully aug'd. Having said that, I had 2 vans rip me to pieces inside of 10 seconds with 2 cd's up. One being warding call (40% dmg reduction) and force defense (spec'd commanding awe, so 4% static dmg reduction, plust 15% dmg reduction for the duration of the ability and 3% healing on any attack every second for the duration). So, full tank gear, 2 cd's up in soresu form. Is this working as intended? Because if so I might as well drop everything and just start leveling a vanguard. Or quit the game due to the ridiculousness and lack of any competence by the pvp team at bioware....well whats left of it considering the swtor bioware employees are dropping like flies.


It's somewhat obvious that the level of competence has not been present in pvp for quite some time now for swtor, but this seems to be just baffling, confusing really. The 2 hardest hitting classes in the game both get a buff. I just dont understand it really. I know no one from bw will actually give me an answer, but could anyone more educated on the matter than I give me some insight as to why this might happen? And are there any plans to normalize focus guardians and god mode vans in the future? Thank you in advance.

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So it's a nerf PT thread in disguise as a nerf Rage thread.


Well, anyways, Pyro isn't what it was before last week. The playstyle that really got people's goats (TD, IM, rail shot, at 10m now, fb, hs, rp, rs, fb, exiting 10m, hammer shots until dead) because they could get hit for crazy damage, but not really return fire, is gone. They can still burst for as much, but they're in harm's way a lot more than they used to be and energy management isn't intuitive, easy or safe anymore (having to use hammershots a bunch at close range to maintain heat/ammo is antithetical to the way many of us played the class). And unless a long-cooldown grapple is available or the enemy is positioned somewhere stupid, PTs are totally helpless against ranged classes.


So yeah, while 2 together can burn a tank down in record time, pay attention the next time a sniper gets a bead on them. It's comical how quick they die. Probably less time for one sniper to down them than it took 2 PTs to drop you. They're also utterly helpless against any hybrid sorc with backlash talented, let alone both backlash and electric bindings (I was surprised just how easy this matchup has become for the sorc on my sorc. Used to require perfect timing and a little luck to drop a pyro. No more).


In other words, they're as helpless against a couple of single enemies as you are against 2 of them. Really situational class now. I wonder if they're going to still pop up in ranked in the numbers they used to.


Edit: and it's probably wrong to say pyros got a buff. They got a slight increase in burst at the expense of energy management, safety, range and kiting. That's a big net loss.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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Yup... PTs are so helpless that they are topping almost any WZ results table in Damage.

Surely they do it out of despair by their miserable WZ life...

Sure they need buff. Be on par with Maras are not cool. PT`s must do double damage that any other class. Sure.

Edited by Missandei
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Focus/Rage is insane, not sure they bw thought they needed a buff. Before you say I'm QQing, I play a focus spec guardian, so its not like I'm getting ***** by one, I am one. Its ridiculous the amount of dmg we can put out now. I personally dont like it. It takes the fun out of the game and I see way more focus guards now than I did before.


Now this will sound like QQ and I think it is a bit, but the same can be said for vans/pt's, I mean, I also have tank gear for my guardian and will sometimes go 16/23/2 hybrid to help tank for rwz or regs and its a pretty hardy build with full WH tank gear and fully aug'd. Having said that, I had 2 vans rip me to pieces inside of 10 seconds with 2 cd's up. One being warding call (40% dmg reduction) and force defense (spec'd commanding awe, so 4% static dmg reduction, plust 15% dmg reduction for the duration of the ability and 3% healing on any attack every second for the duration). So, full tank gear, 2 cd's up in soresu form. Is this working as intended? Because if so I might as well drop everything and just start leveling a vanguard. Or quit the game due to the ridiculousness and lack of any competence by the pvp team at bioware....well whats left of it considering the swtor bioware employees are dropping like flies.


It's somewhat obvious that the level of competence has not been present in pvp for quite some time now for swtor, but this seems to be just baffling, confusing really. The 2 hardest hitting classes in the game both get a buff. I just dont understand it really. I know no one from bw will actually give me an answer, but could anyone more educated on the matter than I give me some insight as to why this might happen? And are there any plans to normalize focus guardians and god mode vans in the future? Thank you in advance.


whats wrong with being more equal to sents and vanguards? like smashers are now.

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Yup... PTs are so helpless that they are topping almost any WZ results table in Damage.

Surely they do it out of despair by their miserable WZ life...

Sure they need buff. Be on par with Maras are not cool. PT`s must do double damage that any other class. Sure.



Things have changed Missandei :). Look in your guild, my friend. Attos obliterates everyone and he did over 850k damage in one warzone. PT are so last year :). Smash guardians FTW :D. I dont like how my sentinel smashes so I may roll a guardian to be in line with most SWTOR players and have the new FOTM :D

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Things have changed Missandei :). Look in your guild, my friend. Attos obliterates everyone and he did over 850k damage in one warzone. PT are so last year :). Smash guardians FTW :D. I dont like how my sentinel smashes so I may roll a guardian to be in line with most SWTOR players and have the new FOTM :D


how come i miss all these high numbers? since launch I have never seen 850k dps in a normal warzone.

and i have a maxed smash guardian myself, yeah I usually top the dps, but win or loose never gotten close to those numbers although im always pugging.

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how come i miss all these high numbers? since launch I have never seen 850k dps in a normal warzone.

and i have a maxed smash guardian myself, yeah I usually top the dps, but win or loose never gotten close to those numbers although im always pugging.


get a pocket healer


(pre1.4, not full duration match, 1m+ dmg dealt)

Edited by Graziell
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At this point I wouldnt be surprised if the upcoming patch notes, for the emergency patch they're deploying today, would say:

*All warrior/knight abilities have been buffed by 50 % and all cooldowns for these classes are gone.


*Operative/scoundrel healing abilties have been buffed by 100 %.


*It has come to our attention that warrior/knight premades don't like to carry sorcs/sages in warzones so we've decided that the latter arent allowed into Warzones anymore. But hey, you can still queue for flashpoints...or ...do dailies or something...we honestly don't care.

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Rage/Focus didn't need a buff. I really don't know what Bioware was thinking.


This. Our guild master runs rage in the tanking stance and he had no issue reaching 500k damage with 150k+ protection. The people I talked to thought the spec was right where it should be but what do I know I play a squishy DPS class.

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Yup... PTs are so helpless that they are topping almost any WZ results table in Damage.

Surely they do it out of despair by their miserable WZ life...

Sure they need buff. Be on par with Maras are not cool. PT`s must do double damage that any other class. Sure.


Lol. I don't like it when powertechs get more damage than me...because as a sniper I feel that doing tons of DPS is my job! :D

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