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Most sorc use a full heal-spec build like this:




In this build you have maybe the greatest theoretical healoutput of all classes ... but you are also squishy like hell ... so most sorcs in this build are easy to kill .... if you have a team behind you or a guardtank, this build can work very well ... if you play just randomly solo, it can be very frustrating to play


I play my sorc since patch 1.2 and still with 1.4. in a hybrid-spec for max. survivebilty.




In this build you still have all the single-heal-abilties, but you loose the aoe-heal-field and the force surge-ability. The most important things in this build are, that you have a lot of defensive stuff, that keeps you alive if well timed, such as:


- increased static barrier by 20 %

- 5 sec root on overload

- 3 sec flashback-blind/stun on shield (gread livesaver)

- 15 sec lower cooldown on whirlwind (great single-cc)

- lightning effusion ... if you crit on a damage abilty --> half costs on the next 2 abilties

- subversion ... use sometimes a lightning strike between the heals to have a faster force regeneration

- if you have time to do damage, lightning strike can do nice aoe-damage for 2000 - 2500 damage per target


Just for example an pic from an alderaan fight at friday. I played solo random but both sides had a preamade with a lot of damage. It shows good the healer in the other team had more pure healoutput, but he was very squishy. I kitet always around mid and the other turret and got me not one time down. Sure there are other fights especially voidstar is hard to survive (not realy good space to kite).




I hope i could help you a bit. If you have more questions ... no problem :)


And i hope you understand me ... my english could be better ... i know ;)

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Hey thanks. I greatly appreciate it. It looks like a very nice build, so I'm going to try it out. Any tips on kiting? And for that matter any tips for a sorc in huttball? I understand the game, but have trouble finding a good location to heal/help comrades without getting into the thick of it all so any advice would be great.
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Ok some more tips how to survive better:


- learn a bit the gamemechanic of the enemy classes. For example most rangeclasses like snipers, Sages, gunslingers ... have an casttime on their best damage abilities. Learn to get a good position, from there you can change your position easy to get the range in LOS (line of sight) problems. Good positons are easy to find in all pvp areas: pillars, tents, galleries ... often 1 step in the right direction and the range is in trouble.


- Short range klasses are a bit harder to handle. Here you need all of defensive abilities and a good timing. Try always to have your shield up, its your first live-saver. Maybe a sentinel or dps-jugger jumps/smashes on you ... he will be most of the time get a 3 sec blind/stun from the shield then it disappears. Now its time to run in another good position. Learn to "strafe" in such situations, it works with the buttons Q and E or also with A and D (while pushed right mouse button to turn the camera ... i always use the free turning camera, the automatic camera turns in front, this system sucks if you kite ...). While you are strafing away you can still use your inst spells on your enemy ... here is the snare spell your best friend. The best way you learn this system ... try it on a pve-moster or a friend in duel.


- Most classes can counter one of your flee-abilities. For example if you use your forcespeed they will try to pull you back. But you have also a lot of stuff to counter all that they use .... whirlwind, stun, overload + root .... and we have most the abilities on a shorter timer as a dps.


- If you are new in pvp buy the new mk2-pvp gear ... dont use pre 50 or pve-gear in pvp. Expertise is the key-stat on all pvp-gear. With better gear your survivebility also grows a lot. The stats give you more hitpoints (around 20k should have a sorc in full warhero gear) and your crit/surge/bonusheals give you also much more power.


- All zones have good positions to kite a bit around, for example i love the galleries in the mid of alderaan. You can heal the people under you, if a range shoots on you ... just go a step back or use the pillars on the side of the gallery to get out of LOS. If a melee is there on you ... you can kick him down .... if the presure is to hard ... you can flee under the gallery or to the other side ... much things are possible there. An similar system you can use in huttball ... better to stand on top of the ramps ...


- Learn to get a feeling how you can stand on maximum range to heal. A lot of healers stand in the middle of the fight ... so they are the first important targets of an dps.


- Especially in huttball a sorc can do great things. Always use your slow on the ball carrier or a ball runner who runs in pass possion. Stun people in the fire. Kick people with overload in to the fire or in a bad possition. If your side has the ball i try to get in front of the ball carrier. So i can pull him to me if needed (ball carrier is hard focused or stunned in the fire). If possible i save up my forcespeed for the last fire ... well timed you can jump from above over it while it burns. So the ball carrier can pass to you or a jugger can jump to you. If you self get the ball also try to jump over the fire. Learn to use your defensive abilities if you get in trouble ... beside of all tactical things the healing of your team is also very important. :p


So i hope i could help you a bit. A lot of things will will find out for yourself. You will also learn from your failures like i did ... dead at the spawnpoint .... but with a bit practise you can get a lot of dps-players away from you.

Edited by Ilsurion
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If you're gonna be healer get two pieces of the PVE set for the innervate set bonus. Also healers need expertise and power moderately less than DPSers. So you can trade some expertise and power for endurance, willpower, or even a little defense rating from a relic or too. But you definitely want the 2/6 PVE bonus to reduce innervate cooldown along with the PVP set bonus to reduce the cooldown on static barrier.
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