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[Bug] Matches are unequal in numbers


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Yesterday we started a match and the other side dropped below five people during the shuffle of populating the teams, thus ending the match and giving our fully populated team a defeat all before the match even finished its start countdown. I didn't care, made for a really quick part of my daily 2, but getting a defeat based on the other sides numbers before the game even starts sounds kinda wrong and probably open to exploit once things are ranked.
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Sometimes it happens that one side has got only 7 or even just 6 player and isnt filled the whole time the bg lasts, while the other group is complete.


Had this even vs. my own fraction, when the other team were 8 player and we were just 6.


Yup happens with me several times after 1.4.

Clearly it is a bug.


It maybe because of WZ window strange behaviour.

Just recently i recieved the WZ popup and as i have 1.5 minute spare time (my WZ loading time is 4-5 sec) i open my Inventory and character screen then alt-tabbed to the Windows to look for some info at Internet. After 20 sec i Alt-Tab back to the game and can't find the WZ popup window!. BUT the queue icon is continuing to flash and WZ window tell me that im already in que for WZ..


Thats maybe how it happens - people receiving WZ popup, then pop-up somehow vanishes but game thinks that this person is accepted WZ and dont start to find replacement..

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This started happening before 1.4... dunno if it was 1.3 or some patch in between. Obviously 1.4 didn't fix it though.


What I see when it happens is typically 7, meaning one team starts with 7 while the other has 8. And the empty slot usually isn't backfilled until at least a few minutes into the match. I've paid attention to see if the empty slot is from someone joining then bailing before match start, but usually don't see anyone bail.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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