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OK in all honesty my last post here. I said I was done in a previous post but I just had to ask this question. I won't respond to any posts but I'm curious to see the answers.


Why do solo Q'ers want to play RWZ's against other PUGS or in RWZ's in general? The reason why you play RWZ's is to play against the top-notch PVP'ers on your server. It's competition, why dumb it down when they already have that mode: Regular WZ's? Why do you want to play RWZ's so much? I mean really ask yourself, why? If it's to acquire gear more quickly (which I see as the only possible reason) you are doing yourself more harm then good. Take your licks in Regs, become a better player by experiencing the good, bad and the ugly. You have to learn to crawl before you walk.

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:mad: Really hate you elites who think that you are so good but with out your better gear you are crap players.

Rated wz where you have to kiss someones but by playing the way they think you should play a char or gear a char or skill up a char is crap.You leave no room to experment or have fun it becomes a drill you should never be able to exclude others from better gear. If you like your rated wz the way it is then up the wz comedations from 2000 to 10000 and alow us to buy our rank from playing in reg wz so we can get or rated gear.Team score or solo rank scores should not stop us from best gear.If you look at the ranked pvp it says pre season so you should not be able to buy that gear tell the season starts and a person can que to solo ranked wz to get ranked score to buy gear. Not everyone can play in ranked team on a fixed day and time to play.There are so many reasons to play solo if your so into grouping play pve. You have already lost so many in pvp from ruining world pvp. I keep playing in hopes that pvp gets to the heart of pvp where there is a solo rank and a team rank and gear is not so hard to get. I also hate that in wz I am alwas playing aginst same faction there should be a que to only fight other faction i could join.

Work on load screen times from into and out of wz there way to long I know lots of pvp players that just stoped playing they hate the way pvp in this game has turned out. So when you say we should shut up most have and left the game.So if you want better pvp you better make it to where we are all fighting with gear that gives us a chance to compeat.

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Actually i would suggest thus.............


If you play Rated Warzones in a premade group, most likely with your guild buddies, then you should only go into Rated Premade Warzones, your ranking and titles etc should be linked tightly to that and earn you the respect of the others whom are doing likewise.......you should not be able to queue into a normal warzone at all without losing it all, and im sure at the end of the day you'd be happy with that, it gets tiring rolling over underprepared players anyway.


Warzones then could be left to just random pug players and teams and they can be happy with the gear they get and just do whatever they can, knowing that though they may get beat a lot, or they may dish out a more than fair share of beats themselves, there wont' be too many anihilations going on.


Good job i say

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You let the pugs step up OR stop the rated dropping down to make themselves feel good and others bad, maybe they are just that better and playing and there are some no doubt but mainly its gear.


Buy yourself the recruit gear and go into normal wz's and see how you do, thatll spice up the fun somewhat....you'll get the love back im sure.

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