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New Class: Force Adept


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So if anyone ever played the old D20 Star Wars RPG by Wizards of the Coast ( Or Sword and Sorcery ) then you would know of the Force Adept Class that was found in the game.


Now Bioware being who they were used this game as a method to run the highly successful SW: KoToR game all those years ago. Some of you might know this as others might not. In the ened though this is still something I thought about since release of the game.


After playing all the classes of the game I have always been lured to the Force Classes vs others. Simply because I love the mysticism of the Force and how it plays out in the SW universe. Jedi and Sith are but Religions of the Force and well we also have The Voss now in the game. Which to itself are not just a Religion of Force Practitioners like the Jedi and Sith but also a Race themselves so to those of you who are thinking, "Force Adept? Your making this up!" the Force Adept is actually already in the lore of the game since day 1 of release.


Anyhoozers. This came to me sitting around and thinking of a Class atop the already 4 Force User Classes we have. Force Adept. Very basic in nature of class name but not as a class itself. Plenty would say the Class is just another Jedi or Sith wannabe. Thing is. Your wrong. The force in itself is something people perceive differently. The Jedi and the Sith are just religions of Force Users as the Voss are. To a degree I would say they are the most well off though with funding and all from different sources vs other Religions of Force Users who would be less funded and be much more primitive.


This post is just a rough outline of what the class I see in my mind would be in the game. I have many more specifics I could go into but for all intents n purposes this is just a rough outline to a new class idea.


Class Name = Force Adept

Racial Restriction = None with exception of Republic or Empire set restrictions already in place.

Faction Restriction =None. Available to both factions.

Main Hand Weapon = Imbued Melee Weapon (no ranged weapons or two handed weapons )

Off Hand Weapon = Force Imbued Amulet

Class Roll = Support and DPS

Primary Stats = Cunning and Endurance


Now playing through the game I find that the Crowd Control (CC) use in this game isn't nearly as needed as in other MMOs I have played over the years. Same with a true buff class. So as a focus for this class I would want it to buff others in it's party as well as it's own companions and self.

Adding in specific abilities that it would get later in progress to focus on a Companion or a Party Member to unlock even more powerful abilities.

Part of this class is that it doesn't weild Lightsabers to fight a foe. Instead while training in the force they have imbued the Force into a melee weapon of choice much like the Jedi imbue Crystals into a Lightsaber to make it part of the Force. This allows the weapon to not be cut down by a Saber and actually defend against attacks such as this.

Instead of weilding a generator or the like the class would get a Force Imbued Amulet the character would create himself/herself preferrably at the end of the first planet they start on much like that of the Jedi for Creating a Lightsaber. This item in question would enhance the character's primary DPS stat and Endurance as most offhand weapons do but of course with later items that might go with other abilities outside of the standard.

As for focus stats with the current template of characters and stats we ahve available I see this class shouldn't be a cookie cutter version of another and go with Cunning over Willpower or even Strength for it's focal point stat increase. Reason for this is that the character is to support others and knowing how to support someone requires thought more so than swinging a big stick at a badguy. Thus I went with Cunning to emulate this choice. Plus it would keep in line of each Force Class not having a m irrored DPS stat for the time being.


Base Abilities to Lvl 10 before Advanced Class to be chosen =


Force Strike = Moderate Damage. Basic Melee Attack. (Lvl 1)

Flurry of Blows = Light Damage. Hits an enemy 3x. Melee Attack. Deals Moderate Damage while under Rage affect. Moderate Cooldown.(lvl 3)

Force Strike = Moderate Damage. Deals High Damage while under Rage affect.20m Range. Hits a foe with the force from afar. Low Cooldown timer. (lvl 2)

Force Shield = Buff. Duration 5s. Lowers incoming damage by 5%. May be used on self, Companion or Party member. Low Cooldown.(lvl 4)

Body Mending = Buff. Duration 10s. Heals a target for up to low hp amount over 10s. May be used on Self, Companion or Party Member. Low Induction timer. Short Cooldown.( lvl 6 )

Rage = Buff. Duration 30s. Increases damage output by 5%. Increases incoming damage by 5%. Increases incoming healing by 3%. Unlocks special Rage abilities. Cannot use buffs or healing skills while in a rage. Long Cooldown. ( Lvl 8 )

Force Wave = 10m range. Area of Effect attack. Moderate Damage. Can only be used while under Rage affect. Deals Light damage to all targets within the 360 degree 10m range. Long Cooldown. ( Lvl 10)


Advanced Classes =

Thinking of where to go from a Support / DPS class I went with a slight switch to Support in two forms. 1 would be a Crowd Control type with Debuffs while the other would be more of the party/self buffer. This would make both advanced classes ideal for play in different areas of the game where as maybe even running with 2 in a party would be ideal.

Also I felt that the class has it's own


ADV Class 1 = Force Mystic

Class Role = Buffer or DPS

Class Weapon = Two Handed Imbued Weapons

Class Offhand = Same as base class.


This adv class would offer more in the forms of Heals over Time and buffs to further improve abilities of others. The point of the heals is to just support the healer in the party so the heals would not be strong enough to stand the class as a primary healer in a party.


ADV Class 2 = Force

Class Role = Debuffer/Crowd Control or DPS.

Class Weapon = Same as base class.

Class Offhand = Same as base class.


This adv class would bring strong CC to the table in the form of rooting enemies in place as well as mezzing targets much like we already have available but on a more reliable basis. Not that a group of Consulars in a Party can't CC a room or anything when grouped but still.


In the end both ADV Classes would still offer proper DPS even in a non DPS Skill Tree offering so as to appeal to those who enjoy solo play vs having to group up. I know one thing that hurt in some MMOs is a support class can typically have a ****** of a time soloing and this might hurt some players who can't (won't) group with others. I am a firm believer in grouping up to do things but that isn't what everyone feels so the class should be able to survive on its own two feet with solo content.


Companions =

Ship Droid based on Faction

Tank Companion

Ranged DPS companion

Melee DPS companion

Healing Companion

Mixed Class Companion


I would have the starting companion be either Healing or Melee and also be another Force Adept as the player character is.


Class Ship = Didn't really come up with anything on this buy not the one Jedi get and I wouldn't see a Force Adept floating around in a Fury type ship anytime soon but naturally something that would be neat to play with.


Class Story Focus =


The story is what came to mind for me. We already have Jedi and Sith rolling around doing what they do best and we all bascially know what they will do in the end of it all. For the Force Adept I would like to see something of a struggle of the way they are raised to collide with that of the war that has begun to brew in the galaxy between the Republic and Empire. Where they finally have to choose a side and fight for a cause for a given reason.

Along the way I would like for the class to come across Sith and Jedi and to have a proper antagonist be in the story against them due to opposing Force Views. Namely the Jedi would fit this as the Sith would relish in a person using the force through emotion where as the Jedi refrain.

The whole Light Side/ Dark Side to play a strong morale part in this story vs the Jedi or Sith as I think the two had it dummed down to basics. I'd like this story to be that story where you would really think about how you act and how the force will react to you in turn.

This class would have alot of story potential in showing the force from a non Voss perspective and would humanize it to a degree even further than how Jedi and Sith use it. We all know the Sith use the Force out of passion but what about someone who might be using the Dark Side of the Force for good? How would you perceive that? Are they really that bad for using Force Lightning (which is a Dark Side Aspect) if they are using it to save lives or the such? This is what I'd love for the story to show and have a major nemesis from the beginning to the end that you love to hate.

LIke Sephiroth from FF7.

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