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Force Mend vs the AMP Buff?


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There is NO COMPARISON between the benefits that the sages got versus us. Sage get a free heal every 30 sec, whereas we have to blow our charged barrels on AMP and it only becomes instant with 5 stacks and still costs res?


At first, I was mildly excited about this as it was a buff over our previous self-heal/off-heal abilities.


Contrary to what every other endgame raider and PVPer I meet says, I have found a a lot of use to being an offhealer, especially when guarding objectives (self or others) in PVP and in running Ops. So I was pretty excited until I saw what Sages got.


So sages, get bubble AND free heal every 30 secs? lol.


This game is quickly becoming one of the Haves (Sent, Sage) and Have Nots.

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There shouldn't be a comparison being directly drawn between a sage and a commando as they are completely different healers and have completely different rolls in a normal operation environment. Commando resources are much easier to keep up in comparison to sages (in my experience) and so this heal they have received is their version of a recharge for their force. (use noble sacrifice and then force mend)


I didn't notice any changes to Advanced Medical Probe (AMP) so I'm assuming you mean Trauma Probe (TP)... If I missed anything, then I will speak to it afterwards.


Honestly, I would rather have the TP on a tank or other player rather than myself as it helps in stabilizing their health levels so I can heal them or other players in the mean time. I have used the TP on myself in PvP every once in a while but I don't use hammer shots often in PvP because of the "Green beam of doom" that we put out and makes us the first target. I would rather have it on someone else and heal hidden somewhere than have it on myself and then try to heal with a big green beam advertising me as a healer and where I'm standing.


And the game has a huge difference between classes for a reason. They shouldn't all be sents or shadows or something similar. Sentinels are still fairly easy to counter (especially if they're in watchman build) and sages still require a lot of standing in one spot whereas Scoundrels and, to an extent, Commandos are able to move more compared to a sage.


The sage is only effective in warzones if they aren't being focused or if they have an effective tank that will be able to keep the damage mitigated and people cc'd while the sage keeps healing everyone. There are very few sages that stay alive in warzones if they don't have a tank and even 2 people are hitting them. They just have too many cast heals and very few heals that they can do while running away from others.


EDIT: I notice that you are talking from a DPS's perspective. Mine is from a healer's perspective and so this may not necessarily apply.

Edited by TheLoneDruid
Adding further thoughts
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I didn't notice any changes to Advanced Medical Probe (AMP) so I'm assuming you mean Trauma Probe (TP)... If I missed anything, then I will speak to it afterwards.

he's talking about the cast time reduction to AMP from charged barrel



that said, i do agree with:

There shouldn't be a comparison
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You're right in that different classes should operate differently. Total agreement. And I wouldn't touch the Sage with a 10 ft pole. No attraction to that class whatsoever. I kind of like the fact that there are classes I want to play and those I don't.


But as a commando I'm growing increasingly frustrated by the fact that we seem to have to work hard for EVERYTHING we do. Meh defensive cooldowns, NO offensive cooldown (sorry RP and TO do NOT count), basic heal talents weak beyond measure. Heavy armor is nice, but not THAT nice...and of questionable benefit in PVP (for instance).


And of course knocking the stun down to 10m rocked too...

Edited by SafeJungleFever
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You're right in that different classes should operate differently. Total agreement. And I wouldn't touch the Sage with a 10 ft pole. No attraction to that class whatsoever. I kind of like the fact that there are classes I want to play and those I don't.


But as a commando I'm growing increasingly frustrated by the fact that we seem to have to work hard for EVERYTHING we do. Meh defensive cooldowns, NO offensive cooldown (sorry RP and TO do NOT count), basic heal talents weak beyond measure. Heavy armor is nice, but not THAT nice...and of questionable benefit in PVP (for instance).


And of course knocking the stun down to 10m rocked too...


Every player has to work hard to understand their class better but hey we do what we can with the abilities given to us. It does get frustrating when the odds are stacked against you in terms of everything but still gotta keep holding out for this class if you like it.

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Slightly unreal that Force Mend has only got a 30s CD for about a 3k heal. No requirements, just free instant health.


We have Adrenaline Rush of course but that's 15% over 10 seconds (3k for 20k health) and has a 180s CD.


Gunnery also has Kolto Recharge which gives 7% on the 120s CD Recharge Cells (which has a conflicting use as an important ammo control)


Assault has Adrenaline Fuelled which lowers that 180s CD on Adrenaline Rush by 6s every time you crit, limit of 1 crit per 1.5s which is a fairly heavy requirement to be doing a lot of hits to get your heal CD down. If you stop fighting you have to wait longer. But by spamming their *** off they can almost get what a sage will have for doing nothing.

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