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Mercs PvP


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Stun = complete shut-down of a character where no action can be taken for its duration.

Root = character is unable to move but can still execute actions for its duration.


Rocket Punch was changed to a ROOT, not a STUN.


That being said, I would rather have Rocket Punch's knockback restored with the root attached and have a longer cooldown.

Edited by twiggie
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You forgot about the Tracer Missle and Healing Scan buff.


What buff?

Never used healing scan in a capacity that the change would make any difference.

It's a useless ability save for 'post combat' when you duck out to heal.

Just try to cast healing scan while being beat on, you will be dead twice over before you could cast that.

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Stun = complete shut-down of a character where no action can be taken for its duration.

Root = character is unable to move but can still execute actions for its duration.


Rocket Punch was changed to a ROOT, not a STUN.


That being said, I would rather have Rocket Punch's knockback restored with the root attached and have a longer cooldown.


I thought it was a stun as well uuntil I just tried it on live. It is a stupid immobilize. Now this might be fine for Powertechs since they want to be close as well anyways. But not Mercs. These changes to the Bounty Hunter class only benefit Powertechs and it is BS. So ticked that this is my only 50.

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What buff?

Never used healing scan in a capacity that the change would make any difference.

It's a useless ability save for 'post combat' when you duck out to heal.

Just try to cast healing scan while being beat on, you will be dead twice over before you could cast that.


Correct. And the usage of healing scan now uses up your heat signatures on the target as well from what I read. I honestly am having a hard time figuring out why it feels like Mercs got the nerf bat.

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I will miss my 30m Electro Dart, it was handy in all sorts of tight spots, even just holding up the melee chasing down the healer because the tank lost aggro...


TBH the tradeoff of stun vs KB on rocket punch is a blessing... melee mobs would reengage before GCD finished, because it just wasn't far enough, so the stun makes it much more effective. and now I can actually interrupt crap that was immune to dart before... I count that as awesome.


people were already speccing the time decrease for sage/sorce force speed, so dropping it to 20 had no real effect... but now you'd be an idiot not to spec for the root/slow immunity. that plus resolve changes made them the most mobile class out there (which I don't get since they are ranged... we need more speed in melee)


The change to rocket punch isn't a stun, it's a root.


Meaning the enemy can still attack you as normal, they just have to stay there next to you as they do it.


Which . (PAY ATTENTION HERE DEVS) makes absolutely no frickin sense whatsoever to a ranged class that needs seperation to survive and has no jump/pull/run/escape abilities.

Not to mention the 'beyond even pretend world physics' physics fail that a full body rocket-assisted uppercut would make the target stick to the ground.

Edited by Voranis
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The change to rocket punch isn't a stun, it's a root.


Meaning the enemy can still attack you as normal, they just have to stay there next to you as they do it.


Which . (PAY ATTENTION HERE DEVS) makes absolutely no frickin sense whatsoever to a ranged class that needs seperation to survive and has no jump/pull/run/escape abilities.

Not to mention the 'beyond even pretend world physics' physics fail that a full body rocket-assisted uppercut would make the target stick to the ground.



Let's just be honest with ourselves.


They're just too disconnected to live game play to understand how much more unappealing merc dps has become after today's patch in warzones.


10m electro dart range for mercs, not ok, powertechs? sure, cause they're fairly close ranged class as is. Reduction of snare from 50% to 30%, lol with all the gap closers melee have, why bother.....why bother..

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Stun Dart nerf is not a big deal at all to me. I only use my stun (90% of the time) when someone gets into melee with me. There is really never a point where I just stun a random enemy 25m away. If they are 25m away, they don't really need to be stunned....


The snare reduction hurts more. But in an actual kiting scenario where you are attempting to kite someone, the snare+run portion of the fight is only about the last 10-15 seconds so this isn't going to make a huge difference. If you were able to kite them in the first place, the minor reduction shouldn't matter since that segment of the fight is so short.


Your enemy being snared at only 30% means they may get to you sooner and get in maybe 1 extra attack that they would not have gotten otherwise. Not a huge deal.

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i get to test the Merc arsenal build tonight jsut wondering if anyone is enjoying the changes in PVP or not, feed back please.


Hate it...really, I'm not just saying that. I found it useful in a few situations where I was close to something I could break LOS with, but more often than not, it was used strictly as a melee damage hit and not an Immobilize. I was far more affective with it having the Knock Back.

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i get to test the Merc arsenal build tonight jsut wondering if anyone is enjoying the changes in PVP or not, feed back please.


Try actually reading the forums you are posting in man. LOL. The changes suck. It is plastered everywhere.

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