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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scheduled Maintenance for Game Update 1.4: September 26th, 2012


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They need to take those damn glasses off dude :p Don't ever get jaded by this game because as far as mmos go, swtor is more than up to par and to anyone considering playing with pandas *cough* knockas *cough* be forgiving of the faults and fall in love with this game again.. Do good things bioware and get your sh*t together with the pvp!


*amendment: oh yea, *cough* you too BRIANIGENIGEN *cough* :p


Hey man I have been more than patient with this game. I know this game CAN be great at times. I would agree to you that the game good; however, The game is not what other games are. Although I think this game beats other MMO's for a few reasons, which I am not getting into. Don't be blinded by the fact that Bioware /EA has messed things up. There is a reason why we are down to 8 servers and I can assure you it isnt because players are head over heels with SWTOR. They need to fix major issues. I have listed a few in my post above. Please don't take me wrong I really enjoy this game. I am however sick and tired of the mess ups. There is 0% reason that there is no new PvP gear out. There is 0% reason the new wz isn't in the new 1.4 patch. There is 0% reason that you should have to grind for gear just to switch color. There is 0% reason that the new PvP weapons are barely an upgrade(with no expertise). Its just crazy. I am sure many other people can name many other things. I get it that it's still a new game. SWTOR needs to fix it's prioritys.

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Very disappointed at the lack of cathar, was really looking forward to that, had been excited about the update for some time solely for that reason. You could have at least let us know earlier the cathar weren't going to be in this update. Even though there's a lot of gameplay left in SWTOR for me, one more kick in the nuts like that and I'm quitting.
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Hey man I have been more than patient with this game. I know this game CAN be great at times. I would agree to you that the game good; however, The game is not what other games are. Although I think this game beats other MMO's for a few reasons, which I am not getting into. Don't be blinded by the fact that Bioware /EA has messed things up. There is a reason why we are down to 8 servers and I can assure you it isnt because players are head over heels with SWTOR. They need to fix major issues. I have listed a few in my post above. Please don't take me wrong I really enjoy this game. I am however sick and tired of the mess ups. There is 0% reason that there is no new PvP gear out. There is 0% reason the new wz isn't in the new 1.4 patch. There is 0% reason that you should have to grind for gear just to switch color. There is 0% reason that the new PvP weapons are barely an upgrade(with no expertise). Its just crazy. I am sure many other people can name many other things. I get it that it's still a new game. SWTOR needs to fix it's prioritys.


not gonna lie, disappointed by the update so I won't argue what so ever :/

how's guild wars 2

Edited by Gnarly_Dudesome
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