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Asia Pacific - Worst case scenario


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Obviously this is just speculation, but im hearing that APAC won't be getting server mergers, or cross-server pvp anytime in the foreseeable future.


I can't see Free-to-play adding many active pvp players, simply because they cannot compete in ranked and are only allowed a few Warzones a day. Face it, if they are too tight to pay $15 a month now, i doubt they'd pay to get squashed by established guild teams.


So i was wondering what will people do in this worst case scenario?


1, Transfer to "The Bastion' if character transfers are finally allowed.


2. Hang on to Master Darnala, and maybe try to contact some of the PVE server's guilds to play on the same server as us.


3. Unsubscribe.

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everyone would like 1. but they wont let it happen

and by the time it does everyone would have 3'd


no one will really 2


i myself have casual pvp character on the bastion just to play in the morning's when i get a chance because the pops are becoming later and later

Edited by Jumpchan
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