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Can Operatives/Mercs Purge Our Bleeds?


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2 fold question. I know the Sorc can purge our deadly saber & rupture bleeds (force) but can an operative and mercenary purge them as well? I was under the impression that the operative and mercenary can only purge tech bleeds?


2nd part of this question. If this is the case, why do people keep saying Annihilation is no good in rated? Most rateds run Operative healers because they are the best insta-cast healers with the best escape utilities to vanish from focus fire. If this is the case, Anni marauders should be fine in rated warzones because the Operatives cannot purge our bleeds? Thanks in advance.


Actually Operatives and Merc CAN purge your bleeds "by default". Sorcs has to spec into their healing tree to be able to purge your bleeds.


Operatives/Mercs: Base cleanse purges Physical + Tech effects. With talent they additionally purges Mental effects.

Sorcs: Base cleanse purges Mental + Force effects. With talent sorc additionally purges Physical effects.


ALL marauder bleeds are physical. (Rupture/Deadly Saber.)


This means DPS sorcs with no talent in healing tree can NOT dispel your bleeds only healer sorcs could. However every single operative and mercs can purge your bleeds regardless of spec since their cleanse is baseline skill that also by default dispels physical effects.


Lastly here's a rough rundowns on the debuff types (for Damage over Time effects).

Force effects: Sorc dots

Tech effects: Pyro PT flame dots/operative poisons/merc dots

Physical effects: Bleeds

Mental effects: No dot that is mental. Mental effects are usually something like an AoE mezz. like Intimidating Roars.

Edited by warultima
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Ah I see. So tbh, it's kinda unfair that our DoTs are categorized as physical since force power and force crit talents directly affect how hard our DoT hits. Just like a sorcerer cannot purge a sniper or powertech DoTs, a commando or operative should not be able to purge a force DoT from a marauder. If force power affects my bleed power, it should be considered force. Edited by revcrisis
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As a Merc healer, cleansing annihilation DoTs is an important part of surviving against you guys. However it's not simply "annih sucks in rateds cus the DoTs can be cleansed", it's harder than it sounds to cleanse effectively as it requires wasting global cooldowns cleansing instead of actually doing any healing.


The DoT cleansing aspect, whilst a definite weakness of annih, is not the main reason Carnage is currently favoured by most. It's because of the burst + mega predation.


I hate facing Carnage marauders. There's just so little I can do to stop my healthbar dropping. From a healers perspective they are probably my most feared opposition spec along with Pyro PTs (who will be significantly weaker after 1.4 anyway).

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