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Missile Blast


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Hi guys... my suggestion is.. that this ability , which does not very high amount of dmg should have less heat cost.

For example 16 heat like tracer missile. This could help a little improve PvP , when MERC get tracer missile interupted and this could be MERC's finishing move. People who argue that this will be OP are wrong.. .this missile almost never crits above 2000 dmg ,but it could be nice to have one thing to fire when u cannot use tracer.

This could help powertechs too after 1,4 patch when pyrotech will be hard nerfed for PT.


Any ideas ???


I know that this will never happen cuz Develepers never read this forum...

Edited by koffinushko
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There is more to abilities than just the damage that they do. Stuns, roots, slows, etc. all come into play.


Even if damage is all that something does, they have to look at range, cooldown, activation time, whether something has an AoE effect, whether there is a DoT component, and so on.

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