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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I need everyone else to read this


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-Hood down option


I agree 100%, this should be an option.


-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects


I lump these two together as variable environment visuals. The question boils down to ROI. How many new players will come in if this is implemented? How many players leave SOLELY because these features do not exist? The answer is VERY FEW. So to invest the time, energy, and dollars to develop this is not worth the return.


-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)


Armor artwork takes time, that is unless you want them to just recolor existing skins.


-Non-Static mobs


My opinion on this depends upon what you mean exactly. there are two possible definitions:

1) static mobs are ones do not move and only engage when you get close enough

2) static mobs are ones that regardless of circumstance respawn in the same place every time


If you are wanting more wandering mobs rather than mobs "standing guard" I would not be against this except that I have played games where there are areas like this and it can get VERY stressful very quickly due to mobs constantly wandering into the space you are in giving you no time to recover.


If you are wanting more dynamic spawning based on circumstance I cannot agree. The fact is that the static nature of mobs allows many players to engage those mobs knowing that they will be there. If you have to go searching for mobs in different places for the same quest that will quickly get tedious and you will see even more "ninja" tactics.


-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)


I am OK with the space combat as is. I understand that a significant portion of the playerbase dislikes it, so I would not be against a revamp with the caveat of the rails being an option. There are also a lot of players who like the simplicity of on-rails space combat and to disregard their preferences is just as bad as ignoring those who want off-rails space combat.


-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak


I am neither for or against this. If it happens I will probably participate although not extensively. If it does not happen, I will not complain.


-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)


Patience young one... this is what expansions are for :). EVERY MMO starts out with limited areas and expands over time.


-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


You have not played the smuggler yet have you? Granted it is only one class but when I was playing it, it seemed like every time you completed a planet you were sent back to a planet you complete two planets ago :). Further there are the bonus series quests while optional they do send you back to planets you've already been to.

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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option

-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

-Non-Static mobs

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


You missed the thing most people want and that is a way to change characters appearance, add the on there.

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What about improved character creation... I dont like the faces and I use only 2!!! So all the faces are by default, we cant alter chin, mouth, eyes, etc... so all my charas look the same.. lol!!! Well I play between 2 faces.


BIOWARE, if u ever improve it, give us just for once, the option to alter our existing character faces, if we wish...

Edited by Oyranos
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