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Commando = All Glass, No Canon? (Suggested Improvements)


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Hello All,


I recently made the decision to advance in the Commando tree. fun for PVE....not at all for PVP. The fact of the matter is that at this iteration the Commando is better suited for PVE rather than PVP. (Level 22 at the moment)


1. All its main powers require considerable warmup. Even the "stun" ones (Bounty hunters and imperial have instantaneous ones). Grav Rounds require a charge up, which is rather ridiculous when other classes can stun/stab you in the meanwhile. Incendiary Round on the other hand is a lot better, that being on the Assault tree.


2. In PVE most of the enemies are ranged and static. This is not the case in PVP, where almost every tom, dick and harry gets in your face and stabs/stun/punches you.


3. Armour Piercing Cell's effects are negligible. Its really difficult to see any discernible difference between


3. DPS is rather lackluster. I've face off against level 14 spies and been out DPS ed. This is rather embarrassing for a man armed with a giant canon.


4. Giant gun does not put out much damage. When a man with two pistols has more firepower than you, something is wrong.


I've heard some state the Commando is a glass canon. But in this iteration I'm seeing only glass and very little canon.



1. Remove the warmup from Grav Rounds. At the very least it could give us a chance against the hordes whom bum rush us.


2. Increase effective range of abilities. I understand that this is quite a dramatic request, but if we're gonna be a glass canon with a giant gun at the very least give us some extended range. Nothing too dramatic, but at least 2-3 meters.


3. Boost effectiveness of AP cell. From what I hear this is supposed to be the de-facto cell for Commandos, but I've seen very little effectiveness of it.


4. Increase range of the Pulse Canon...at least for Commandos. When Sith can stun with lightning strike at nearly 30 metres, its kinda ridiculous.


5. Reduce time on Concussion Shot. When you're going up against opponents whom insta stun you, its kinda riduclous that you have to stand still and stun someone


I want to enjoy PVP, I truly do. I want to unleash torrent of fire on my foes and at least have a fighting chance against the Imperials. But with this version of the Commando, I'm beginning to very much doubt whether anyone at Bioware even plays this class.


Good Hunting.


PS: My usual strategy is wait on the sidelines and open fire...but I rarely even get to whittle down the target before his mates notice me and charge. If the Commando is crappy now...I shudder to think what will happen when I go up against level 50 players.

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Hello All,


I recently made the decision to advance in the Commando tree. fun for PVE....not at all for PVP. The fact of the matter is that at this iteration the Commando is better suited for PVE rather than PVP. (Level 22 at the moment)


1. All its main powers require considerable warmup. Even the "stun" ones (Bounty hunters and imperial have instantaneous ones). Grav Rounds require a charge up, which is rather ridiculous when other classes can stun/stab you in the meanwhile. Incendiary Round on the other hand is a lot better, that being on the Assault tree.


2. In PVE most of the enemies are ranged and static. This is not the case in PVP, where almost every tom, dick and harry gets in your face and stabs/stun/punches you.


3. Armour Piercing Cell's effects are negligible. Its really difficult to see any discernible difference between


3. DPS is rather lackluster. I've face off against level 14 spies and been out DPS ed. This is rather embarrassing for a man armed with a giant canon.


4. Giant gun does not put out much damage. When a man with two pistols has more firepower than you, something is wrong.


I've heard some state the Commando is a glass canon. But in this iteration I'm seeing only glass and very little canon.



1. Remove the warmup from Grav Rounds. At the very least it could give us a chance against the hordes whom bum rush us.


2. Increase effective range of abilities. I understand that this is quite a dramatic request, but if we're gonna be a glass canon with a giant gun at the very least give us some extended range. Nothing too dramatic, but at least 2-3 meters.


3. Boost effectiveness of AP cell. From what I hear this is supposed to be the de-facto cell for Commandos, but I've seen very little effectiveness of it.


4. Increase range of the Pulse Canon...at least for Commandos. When Sith can stun with lightning strike at nearly 30 metres, its kinda ridiculous.


5. Reduce time on Concussion Shot. When you're going up against opponents whom insta stun you, its kinda riduclous that you have to stand still and stun someone


I want to enjoy PVP, I truly do. I want to unleash torrent of fire on my foes and at least have a fighting chance against the Imperials. But with this version of the Commando, I'm beginning to very much doubt whether anyone at Bioware even plays this class.


Good Hunting.


PS: My usual strategy is wait on the sidelines and open fire...but I rarely even get to whittle down the target before his mates notice me and charge. If the Commando is crappy now...I shudder to think what will happen when I go up against level 50 players.



The damage from gunnery is perfectly fine assuming we can get it out. Unfortunately cast times are just kinda par for the course when playing a ranged class so get used to it. All our real problems come from having very little tools to effectively get our damage out there. There are some days I'm surprised we're allowed to talent to reduce pushback on our main casted abilities.


If you enjoy PVP reroll now while it's still early yet. DPS commando is widely acknowledged as perhaps the weakest class in the game, and for good reason. Go play some other classes, learn about them, and if you still want to PVP on commando come back to it later when you can bring much more experience to the table and a full set of gear. Commando is one of the hardest classes to get viable performance out of and all of that effort could be much better spent getting even better results on a class with the tools to do its job effectively.

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Gunnery commandos are very hard to play in PvP. Flat out. Good players will just shut them down without even blinking. It's really nice when you're being faced by poor players though, since a free-casting gunnery commando is basically hell from the skies for anyone in the way.


In PvE, gunnery commandos are fantastic. Anyone who is seeing nerfy damage just isn't playing them correctly (or isn't gearing right). Our gunnery commando regularly tops 1600 DPS on Nightmare Pilgrim, which is a fairly movement-heavy fight for the DPS. Granted, he's all BiS at this point, but still. That puts him in the same league as our combat sentinel, our dirty fighting gunslinger, and our balance shadow.


Granted, our assault vanguard pushes 1850, but they're getting a pretty serious nerf in 1.4, so maybe those numbers will come down a bit. :-)


My point is this: don't give up yet. Gunnery doesn't come together as a tree until very late (when you get Curtain of Fire, you're *almost* on the gravy train). Once you hit 50, you will have a very nice class to play with, either as one of the highest and most sustainable PvE DPS, or as the most interesting and challenging (but not underpowered) healers in the game.

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My point is this: don't give up yet. Gunnery doesn't come together as a tree until very late (when you get Curtain of Fire, you're *almost* on the gravy train). Once you hit 50, you will have a very nice class to play with, either as one of the highest and most sustainable PvE DPS, or as the most interesting and challenging (but not underpowered) healers in the game.


^^^^ This. I love healing on my mando cause it's a challenge.

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Gunnery commandos are very hard to play in PvP. Flat out. Good players will just shut them down without even blinking. It's really nice when you're being faced by poor players though, since a free-casting gunnery commando is basically hell from the skies for anyone in the way.


In PvE, gunnery commandos are fantastic. Anyone who is seeing nerfy damage just isn't playing them correctly (or isn't gearing right). Our gunnery commando regularly tops 1600 DPS on Nightmare Pilgrim, which is a fairly movement-heavy fight for the DPS. Granted, he's all BiS at this point, but still. That puts him in the same league as our combat sentinel, our dirty fighting gunslinger, and our balance shadow.


Granted, our assault vanguard pushes 1850, but they're getting a pretty serious nerf in 1.4, so maybe those numbers will come down a bit. :-)


My point is this: don't give up yet. Gunnery doesn't come together as a tree until very late (when you get Curtain of Fire, you're *almost* on the gravy train). Once you hit 50, you will have a very nice class to play with, either as one of the highest and most sustainable PvE DPS, or as the most interesting and challenging (but not underpowered) healers in the game.


Oh yeah my comments were only for PVP. In PVE Gunnery commando is an absolute beast.

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