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overcrowded worlds makes this game unplayable


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O_O...man....they rant about too crowed people just because they have to wait "a LITTLE" to do their quest.


while me (APEC player) have to wait "Forever" for pvp because of too less player.


Yeah...upping the time to do a series of quests from about 35-40 minutes during peak times to now almost 2 hours is totally "a little" time.


And changing instances wasn't an option...I tried it...instance one was hovering around 65 peole and instance 2 was 55-60. They need to cut the cap on the BH back down to 40 or so, high enough to encourage grouping, but not so high like it is now that you get all the boxes and all the drall spawns camped with lines waiting to be the next to camp them.

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Oh my god now someone is complaining about overpopulation?!?! Like 3 months ago servers where ghost towns and game was in serious danger of going offline and now that the worlds finally feel vibrant and steaming with life you want to go back to ghost towns??? What is wrong with you people?!?!


I say the gaming experience has been drastically improved since server merge... For the 1st time ever I've seen more than one instance on Alderaan. I can actually do group quests now and finding people for them is much much easier.


Sorry but I will not let you complain about something that in my view is one of the rare changes that actually makes this game a ton better!!!

Edited by MarkoJinn
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Oh my god now someone is complaining about overpopulation?!?! Like 3 months ago servers where ghost towns and game was in serious danger of going offline and now that the worlds finally feel vibrant and steaming with life you want to go back to ghost towns??? What is wrong with you people?!?!


I agree that server mergers were needed. What I don't agree with is that this game is vibrant and full of life. I say that because the environments feel like static. I don't really think more players mean the game is more vibrant. I would love to see a day or night cycle that has buff effects on your toon, but somoene told me the other day that the reason it's always day is due to a lore thing, which I didn't understand but ok I'll take it. Also, just completely off target but I would love to see the world events changed to add a new level of "life" to it. It would mean cross server functions like GW2, in that for the event one planet would be selected, one server would have to defend the surface, one server would act as the space attackers, and another would act as pirates and it would rotate for the next planetary event. As an aside to the main parts of the game I think that could be cool, and it would really meld all the parts of the game...space combat, ground combat, objectives. Also end game class specific stuff, bounty hunters would be given bounties on high acheiving pvp players for a small window of time, and so on and so forth. That to me would add life to the game. I just don't see adding a bunch of people as adding life

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I agree that server mergers were needed. What I don't agree with is that this game is vibrant and full of life. I say that because the environments feel like static. I don't really think more players mean the game is more vibrant. I would love to see a day or night cycle that has buff effects on your toon, but somoene told me the other day that the reason it's always day is due to a lore thing, which I didn't understand but ok I'll take it. Also, just completely off target but I would love to see the world events changed to add a new level of "life" to it. It would mean cross server functions like GW2, in that for the event one planet would be selected, one server would have to defend the surface, one server would act as the space attackers, and another would act as pirates and it would rotate for the next planetary event. As an aside to the main parts of the game I think that could be cool, and it would really meld all the parts of the game...space combat, ground combat, objectives. Also end game class specific stuff, bounty hunters would be given bounties on high acheiving pvp players for a small window of time, and so on and so forth. That to me would add life to the game. I just don't see adding a bunch of people as adding life


I certainly didn't mean that the game world is ideal and perfectly vibrant. I just wanted to point out that it feels refreshing to see that there are others playing this game now. There are actually people running around me. Your suggestions are really great but this game faces much deeper problems and I think something like what you suggest is years down the road if ever...

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I certainly didn't mean that the game world is ideal and perfectly vibrant. I just wanted to point out that it feels refreshing to see that there are others playing this game now. There are actually people running around me. Your suggestions are really great but this game faces much deeper problems and I think something like what you suggest is years down the road if ever...


God I wish you were wrong, but you are so right. This game has tremendous potential. I also wonder if we will ever see it come to fruition. And yeah I getcha now, having people around is a nice thing for certain.

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