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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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you obviously don't know much about the australian internet he'd probably have a good modem and isp but the australian net speed is bad i have a expensive lap top and a wireless-N 300mbs+ and i only get 200-300 ms on an american server but 27ms on an aussie one if you don't know try not to open your mouth and make youself look stupid



Get yourself a better ISP or replace a new boardband modem might help?


I don't live in Australia, I live in Hong Kong. My ping to Aus servers is around 160ms~180ms, my ping to US servers is around 150ms~170ms.


I can't believe you have 600ms~800ms from Aus to US, seriously?? You are talking like you live in third world with using a 28k modem.... I heard someone from Thailand still can manage with 350ms, twice as fast as yours. Hell 350ms is already very close to "unplayable". LOL, please don't fool me I don't think connection to US is that bad from Aus.

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Indeed, annnd back to the top.


I find it funny that bumping is against the forum rules, however, this thread has hundreds of them, with out so much as a hoot from BW. I find that interesting. They must have stopped reading this thread a while ago.


Oh and,



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I find it funny that bumping is against the forum rules, however, this thread has hundreds of them, with out so much as a hoot from BW. I find that interesting. They must have stopped reading this thread a while ago.


Oh and,




Got it right the first time, I think they stopped reading it after the first time they posted. when was that back on page 2?


Oh, and Bump

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this is getting ridonk, didnt they say they would see how f2p went then do what is in the best interest of the players?

It's pretty clear how f2p has gone, now do something!


sorry can't hear you over the sound of money coming in from the cartel market

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sorry can't hear you over the sound of money coming in from the cartel market


This is most likely the issue. I think BW and EA realized a while ago they screwed this game up to much and are going to lose out. My guess is they will milk what they can, do as little development as possible and shut everything down once they have made their money back.....if they do.


This is the only explanation left as to why they have taken the course of action they have.

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This is most likely the issue. I think BW and EA realized a while ago they screwed this game up to much and are going to lose out. My guess is they will milk what they can, do as little development as possible and shut everything down once they have made their money back.....if they do.


This is the only explanation left as to why they have taken the course of action they have.


^This pretty much calls it, I mean look at all the updates since the big population drop off, they have been poorly tested if at all, game breaking bugs, class nerfs that made some classes useless in pvp or pve (if you can even get into end content or get a WZ to pop). Almost every patch since the pop drop has had the forums full of people talking about CTD; FPS; or lag. The stuff on the Cartel Market that they said would not be a Pay to Win market, well that failed too, Grade 7 upgrades for the ship for cheap, while the crafted ones take end contact to get materials, FP to get the coms to buy the schems, or at least PVP to RE mats out of WH gear. Not to mention the flood of speeders, orange gear, and weapons... Is there any point to craft anymore at all?

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Cancelled tonight. I cited the low server pop as the reason. Maybe they will get the message, but it's apparent they don't care. I also said customer service on these forums was appalling. I actually love this game but it sucks when WZ no longer pops because of extremely low server pop. Oh well. Wish you guys luck. Hopefully they will merge the APAC servers.
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This is most likely the issue. I think BW and EA realized a while ago they screwed this game up to much and are going to lose out. My guess is they will milk what they can, do as little development as possible and shut everything down once they have made their money back.....if they do.


This is the only explanation left as to why they have taken the course of action they have.


Sad but likely more true than not. It makes no sense why they would launch F2P and allow for as many really essential bugs to go unfixed, gut QA, have no real plans announced for content other than what we've known about since last spring, etc.


The entire game is in worse shape than in summer 2012, when it was actually running well. If EA were serious about wanting to turn things around for SWTOR, now would be when we'd see a push for the better, when F2P people are trying out the game and possibly subscribing.


If the game were this bad back in January when I started, there's no way I'd subscribe.

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Meanwhile in a secret EA/Bioware Development Team Meeting in a galaxy far, far away...


Boss: OK Team, we need some ideas to increase subscribers, exceed our budgets together with catering to the needs of every current, former and new player's gaming enjoyment.


Team member 1: Well, my idea is to fix all the bugs since Beta, put out 2 new planets with class stories taking players to L60, fix all the PvP balancing issues, add dynamics to the game so the worlds do not remain static, listen to all our players requests to enhance gaming enjoyment, well like, you know, other MMOs?


Boss: Fire that guy, worst idea I have ever heard, security, take him out. Anyone else with better ideas?


Droid member 1: More gambling packs.


Boss: Awesome idea, give that droid another raise! :)

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I'd like an update on this too.


Ive rerolled all together, but damn im missing my old char and all dem creds.


Dont really care about Ping so much, as i think its more important to have others to you know, PLAY THE GAME WITH!

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Ok there's been too many posts to read but has anyone thought of sending in an ingame ticket to transfer? I mean literally everyone on the apac servers?


Then it's in their face rather than a thread they can just stop reading


Yes several people have and all they get back is a BS generic responce stating that there are no transfers available at this time

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edit as at 20 november 2012


bw have acknowledged this in state of the game.



other posts created regarding this issue.


from the master dar'nala forums

http://www.swtor.com/blog/star-wars-old-republic-%e2%80%93-state-game - server comparison stream

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=551489 - a fix our server post

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=553925 - f2p predictions on mdn

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=548862 - where mdn players wish to xfer

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=557065 - the state of mdn's population


from the gav daragon forums

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=548025 - great post showing how bad apac is

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=535007 - low server population issues

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=551490 - a fix our server post

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=552138 - the affect of f2p on server

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=548870 - where gav d players want to xfer

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=544764 - another apac population post

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=546257 - guild summit to help their population


i havent included posts from dalborra's forums in this edit as they are doing ok'ish.


other swtor forums posts

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5453726#post5453726 - transfers when????

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=558933 - plans for master dar'nala

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=552192&highlight=apac - game changes for apac

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=543139&highlight=apac - server xfer request

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=545710&highlight=apac - bw lack of care for apac

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=544260&highlight=apac - low apac pops

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=543718&highlight=apac - dont roll on apac

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522513&highlight=apac - low apac population


the list can go on and on and on... I think i have linked enough


stop ignoring us


**ok end edit - bioware i eagerly await your reply.**


hello bioware


i have created this post in an effort to consolidate all the recent posts contibuted by the apac/oceanic server communities regarding the current rapid decline in population on master dar'nala (pvp) and gav daragon (rp). It appears the population is ok but not large on the dalborra (pve) server.


i need to make it clear that the apac/oceanic community are extremely grateful for having the opportunity to have servers in our region but through no fault of our own the population has rapidly declined over the past few months.


from my reading of the forums and discussions online with the players, these are the main issues affecting apac servers.


1. The servers master dar'nala and gav daragon are rapidly declining in population and it is affecting the swtor experience by people that play on these servers.


2. Most of the apac/oceanic community are in favour for merging servers together by either consolidating all three servers into a "super server" or allowing us to transfer/merge to a nominated apac server.


3. The apac/oceanic community are upset at the lack of communication from the bioware development team in regards to future plans of our server.


there are many more issues however i believe these are the 3 priority ones that need to be addressed by the bioware development team. Sadly we recently had an extended maintenance period where the apac servers were down for over 8 hours and not even a patch was implemented. The rest of the world got merged together were given "super servers" and even got 4 additional character spots. we got nothing.. Players raised their concerns in this thread.




this was the official reply from joveth gonzalez the online community manager:


The above was a major let down for our community. I am of the opinion most apac/oceanic players are not upset that they couldn't create aditional characters, its the simple fact that we were forgotten about.


developers please take note. The apac community would like to see the following:


1. Communication and an official comment from the developers in response to the issues raised by the apac/oceanic community. Give us an incentitive to keep playing, i don't think patch 1.4 or f2p is going to save our servers. We would like to know something prior to these being implemented, atleast put us out of our misery if the news for us isnt good so players can make informed decisions about their future with the game. Simply saying soon, or we are not sure is not good enough.


2. Do something about the very low populations on master dar'nala and gav daragon. People want to stay on the apac servers and are more than happy to merge to dalborra as they have the strongest population.


here is a list of posts from the apac/oceanic community addressing just some of the issues we want addressed.


server consolidation/mergers/transfers












concerns for the future of our servers








general disregards for the apac/oceanic community community





gav daragon concerns

at the time of making this thread no one has posted in their sub forums!!! They really are dying!


dalborra dissapointment


there are many more however they have been lost due to recent forum changes


master dar'nala concerns


there are many more however they have been lost due to recent forum changes


i am only just scratching the surface with the above posts. There are lots more, too many to list, these are only the recent ones not to mention the countless amount of threads closed by bioware due to emotions getting in the way


what you can do as an apac/oceanic player


1. Support this thread!


2. Email bioware customer service reminging them you are a paying customer and they are not delevering a product on par with the rest of the world. http://www.swtor.com/support/form


3. Continue to raise the issue in the general forums and support and create new threads in the suggestion forums. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349


4. Do not give up!


my closing thoughts.


as consumers and gamers we have choice. We choose to suport bioware by paying a subscription fee, however we have the choice to walk away or move onto something else. We have chosen to stick by bioware and support this great game. Bioware, how about you support us?


thanks for your time.


<3 chippy :jawa_angel:



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