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Ranked Warzones - LFM Elite Players


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<Shadow Dragon Universe> is now recruiting Top PVPers for Ranked Warzones. (Empire)


Tryouts will be given on an individual basis to asses your skill level, situational awareness, and communication skills.

We are only looking for the best players, please do not waste your time or ours.


About Us:

-Top 2 Teams on The Shadowlands (before todays merger). Teamates Rating Ranged between 2200-2600+

-Que Times: Fri + Sun 9:30pm EST

-We also raid W,TH 8:30pm-12 EST, all content is on farm (EC 16man HM/ NMP). Recruiting for 16man HM TFB.


Message Skillxx / Skillex for more information. If I am offline, send me an ingame mail.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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